My mx518/ Razer diamondback comparison


Limp Gawd
Jun 7, 2005
I recently purchased a Logitech mx518 for gaming, for $49 at Best Buy. At first, I had a Rat Padz mouse pad with it, which was a few months old. Performance was decent, but I noticed that it would stutter slightly due to the mouse pad not being able to accomodate the 1600DPI.

I got a func 1030 MBA limited edition pad, and the difference was night and day. The mx518 performs well, but there was still some performance lacking in FPS games for me. The accuracy at high sensitivity was not perfect, but it was still reasonable.

Since I was still in my return period for the mouse, I decided to try out the Razer Diamonback. Best Buy has the standard models, but Amazon has the Plasma edition for $42. I ordered it yesterday before noon, and 24 hours later, it is in my hands! I didn't even use faster shipping, just standard 2-5 day UPS from Amazon and it arrived in less than 24 hours, amazing! Not to mention $20 cheaper then the standard edition at Best Buy.

The Diamondback is phenomenal, in my hands, it is definitely better than the Logitech. It is lighter, and it fits the hand like a glove, more perfectly than the Logitech.

Now, to performance. It is more accurate for me, and just feels easier to control. I also like the driver software much more than Logitech's, it is overall much more polished. The buttons feel larger and more responsive, although the side buttons are easier on the Logitech to press.

In conclusion, both mice are fairly close, but when it comes to this high level of mice, the small advantages of the Razer Diamonback win out. If I could describe in a few words, it would be "More polished". It just feels slightly superior, although I do recant that the difference is not night and day, just mid-afternoon to late afternoon.

Oh, and aesthetically, the Razer DB wins hands down. The blue LED is beautiful on the mouse, and its shape is more appealing to me then the Logitech. Also, a nice carrying case is included with the DB, which is very useful for transport and keeping the mouse safe.
not selling either one are you? =)

P.S. thanks for the review ive been looking at both and judged them as too close to call.
I would definitely go with the Razer DB. I've been playing BF2 with it for the last hour or so, and it is much more accurate than the Mx518 at the same sen settings. The clicking speed is slightly better, too.

Also, make sure to get a good mouse pad, I can't stress this enough! It is very important. I love my func 1030 MBA, it is a huge improvement over my Rat Padz.
love my diamondback, on the way home from the store i was wondering if i would regret the price, but i use my mouse enough to justify it. easily the best mouse out there, having 50 buttons is overrated
rondocap said:
... The mx518 performs well, but there was still some performance lacking in FPS games for me. The accuracy at high sensitivity was not perfect, but it was still reasonable. .
exactly what I've said on other threads but 518 owners say diff. we all know they have poor dexterity ;)

that logi design with high arch through your palm makes the hand sit on the mouse instead of having control around the base where it meets the pad like the razor does (and logitech click). it also forces you to stretch you fingers out on the buttons which is a great design!

G'ßöö, the Razer definitely sits much better in the hand. It feels like an extension of the hand, and not bulky at all. The two main buttons on the front are nice as well, more response then the 518.
Damnit! Now I'm gonna have to get another mouse...

The only real question I have relates to the optical eye in the new plasma. Apparently, the old one had a flaw (talked about here somewhere). Does the new one add anything other than color?
rondocap said:
G'ßöö, the Razer definitely sits much better in the hand. It feels like an extension of the hand, and not bulky at all. The two main buttons on the front are nice as well, more response then the 518.
I know, I have one ;). sorry if I didn't make that clear. had no dealer near me too so I rolled the dice and bought without testing. I never do that but this worked out just fine

Jodiuh said:
Damnit! Now I'm gonna have to get another mouse...

The only real question I have relates to the optical eye in the new plasma. Apparently, the old one had a flaw (talked about here somewhere). Does the new one add anything other than color?
nope. more info on the other curtrent 518/razor thread or razors site
Jodiuh said:
Damnit! Now I'm gonna have to get another mouse...

The only real question I have relates to the optical eye in the new plasma. Apparently, the old one had a flaw (talked about here somewhere). Does the new one add anything other than color?

I've read that the new infrared sensor is supposed to be slightly better, but both models remain pretty much equal. I think there have been some slight improvements though, I will check up on it.

I haven't tried the standard models, but from testing today, this Razer mode is amazing. I can't believe the accuracy and control!
Yeah I love my Razer mice, got 2 of them: the Viper and the Diamondback, also love the Razer eXactmat, got 2 of those as well, best mice and mousepads I've ever had, and I've had them all (the best ones anyway).
I've been playing BF2 with it for a while now, and my game has improved tenfold because of the mouse. (And a little practice..!) I can aim much better and respond quicker, I'm loving it!
Question for you DB Plasma owners: Are there any TSRs or systray programs/icons that run from the software/driver set for this mouse? I can understand installing drivers and a control panel, but I don't want no crap running in the background to keep my mouse working. Huh, huh? Talk to me! :D
There is nothing in the system tray, but there might be a very small program in the processes running, but I don't think it even scratches performance.
rondocap said:
There is nothing in the system tray, but there might be a very small program in the processes running, but I don't think it even scratches performance.

Could one of you DB owners verify this and give process memory/cpu utilization? I'm a tweaker and my system ain't cutting edge, so I gotta save all I can. :p
As I say. MX 518 if you are a low sensitivity gamer, Diamondback if you are a high sensitivity gamer.

As for look I find my red magma DB 5 times more appealing than the MX 518. As for performance as a high sense gamer DB is definiatly better because of it´s ergonomics. Took a while to get used to the shape though.

The three most important buttons (two main buttons and scroll wheel) are also def better on the Diamondback. However the buttons is kind of useless and is even worse with the software installed. And this sense adjustment is kind of pointless for me except for Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005 lol. I want max precision all the time can´t see why you would want to go back to lower dpi. If you are a low sense gamer you bought the wrong mouse :p

Overall both are great but DB scores on where it counts really. I can live without side buttons and thus I can live without the MX 518.
Yeah, that is what I found out too- high sensitivity is best on the DB. The shape I got accustomed too immediately, even faster then the Logitech shape.

At least it is easier to distinguish between the best gaming mice. Keyboards are another story! I was looking for a new keyboard for gaming recently, and I can't really find adequate reviews to see which is best. I did not like the Saitek one too much aesthetically, and I already have a wireless logitech elite (I am looking for a wired for better gaming) so I did not really want another wired elite.

I decided on the Microsoft Multimedia keyboard, it seems pretty solid, more on that when the shipment arrives.
WhyYouLoveMe said:
Could one of you DB owners verify this and give process memory/cpu utilization? I'm a tweaker and my system ain't cutting edge, so I gotta save all I can. :p

There is "razerhid.exe" with 468k of memory usage, and razerofa.exe with 452k of memory usage.

If anyone has any questions about these twice mice and how they compare, feel free to ask, as I have tried both for a good while now. (The mx518 moreso than the Diamondback, as I just got the DB today and I've had the mx518 for a week or so)
The only problem I see that held me back from buying the Diamondback was that it has one side button on the left and the right. Do you guys find that better than the 518 having them both on the left? (I'm just wondering for pre-sale purposes).
Cary, there are two side buttons on either side, not just one. For example, I have my two side buttons set to forward and back for my browser.

For me, this the DB fits the hand perfectly, much better than the mx518. It just feels good to hold it, and it seems to be the hand at a natural position since it is so low. The mx518 was giving me small cramps!
Carv it´s actually two buttons on the left and two buttons on the right ;). However you can´t expect to be able to map them all in the game and I find the two buttons on the other side useless anyway. But I have a N52 so buttons isn´t an issue.

The N52 works awesome as a keyboard replacement btw. Take no space is very ergonomic and if needed you can still use the ordinary keyboard to type. Is awesome for GTR for example where I have not enough buttons on my wheel. Or now I got a DFP which has tons more then the MOMO Force but still not enough.

But N52 I use for just about every game works fantastic and I don´t get cramp in my fingers anymore. Especially the 8-way pad is handy.
Oh, did'nt know that. Now would you say that they are easier to access and more responsive than the 518's? (In-Game) Also from what I heard the DB is smaller and lighter. True?
Carv, it is much smaller and lighter. I believe the logitech is over 100g, and the DB is about 90g. It feels better in the hand though, and I have decent sized hands, so It is an obvious advantage.

The side buttons are more or less the same once you get used to them as the Logitech's. I prefer the DB's on the fly sensitivity because you can see a little scroll bar on screen, whereas the logitech is hardware only.
I say the main buttons are better to use on DB but the side buttons considerably harder. There is also issues mapping them correctly in games.

There is no big difference in weight. The MX 518 is much lighter then the MX510.
The new plasma's are even lighter, cooler looking, and using newer technology. I own both.
Jodiuh said:
Damnit! Now I'm gonna have to get another mouse...

The only real question I have relates to the optical eye in the new plasma. Apparently, the old one had a flaw (talked about here somewhere). Does the new one add anything other than color?

yes, it uses a more accurate and invisible infra-red tracker
It´s no new technology on the Plasma. None that effects the performance anyway :)
Razer even stated that the infrared sensor was only becaues a red LED wouldnt have looked good with the blue theme.
Well yippe yea! Logitech's site has an updated setpoint v 2.4 and combined with the uber518 options from the logigamer site...

NATIVE APPLICATION OVERIDES!!!! It's soooo nice to bind those xtra buttons again. I haven't had this much fun since Intellipoint 4.0 with my Intellimouse Explorer v1.nasty side button.

I'll post pics if ya like. So far the neatest trick imo would have to be using the sensitivity buttons for volume up/down. We get a large green volume osd now!!
Has anyone else found that the MX518 is more accurate without the drivers than with?

Edit: I've only tried the 2.30 but I'm about to try the 2.31 drivers.
Yup, yup. I tried playin' around with the settings in the newest 2.40 setpoint, but ended up uninstalling because of the way it felt in Battlefield 2.

It reminded me of a setting I used with the mx510. It was either speed or precision, I don't remember which tho. The setting was part of an extra panel from logitech...adv gaming settings or something like that...
So you guys suggest to just use the same drivers that come with the 518?
Carv said:
So you guys suggest to just use the same drivers that come with the 518?

Any of the setpoints give me a funky feeling in-game. I'm not sure what's causing it tho...

I would recommend either:

Trying out the new 2.40 setpoints and grabbing the uber518 options from logigamer forum...


using nothin'.
Yeah, it just felt funny using the drivers. It is probably because I never used them with my MX-510.
No, but I did REALLY enjoy mapping specific keys to applications...

My setup:

1. Firefox - side buttons set to tabs, +/- set to cruise up/down
2. Explorerxp - side buttons set to move back/forward folders, +/- set to switch tabs
3. Process explorer - middle button set to delete
4. Outlook Express - middle button set to delete, side buttons set to next/previous

5. Games - all default

My firefox tab key shortcut would switch to alt+page up/down from ctrl+page up/down on occasion, but it never caused wicked memory leaks like logigamer did.
Carv said:
So I guess the drivers really are'nt necessary.
Always true for Logitech and Creative. Razer drivers on the other hand are some of the best in history. The UI looks like it was made by a 10 year old, but at least the drivers work.
Um, why does Setpoint 2.4 only come up if you ask for MX1000 software? When you click on the MX518, it gives you Setpoint 2.31.