My love for WoW has been rekindled

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agree with baha i do :)

Just got my mage (undead) to 60 a week or so ago( after freaking 35 days of play time, I piss around too much :p), working on my next 60 ( Tauren Hunter ) he's 37 at the moment but should be my 2nd 60 in a month or so unless I start to piss around and not grind like I have been.

and if you liked killing that little NE then ya roll a pvp server
Dreadlox said:
PVE servers = Carbear servers.

Come hang with the big boys on the PvP servers.

I started playing WoW in December, I tried a hunter, then went with a druid...meant to get a shaman..dont ask me how I got the two confused, hello totems! Anyway, I was on a PVP server, got ganked alot, ganked some folks myself, and really like the "feel" of the pvp server. It feels like its the way it should be, BUT I got the druid to 60 and started doing MC and all that, just about everytime we would got there would be a hour long pvp fest just to go to an instance that would take 4+ hours anyway :mad:

I rerolled a priest on a PVE (carebear) server, and Im happier for it. I can PVP in BG, it sucks compared to the feeling of spotting red and making it dead, but I enjoy the PVE content more than PVP, so I think that choice was right for me.
Re: Guild numbers in raids.

Our guild does the following. Weither it be MC/BWL/Onyxia

Post is made on the forums. If you are going to be late and want a spot saved you make a post. Otherwise when invites come it is first come first serve. Then again we are a small guild so we have that ability
That is currently how Draax and my guild does things. The friction is that the guild split a few weeks ago and then our Hard guild combined with the new one (we were too small to get endgame content going). The friction has been regarding "new" members versus "old" members getting priority for MC runs. So far, the guild officers have made the right decision and said, first come first serve.

We'll get over the growth pains.
Harkamus said:
Negative on WoW getting worse as you progress. There is a lot to do and each patch brings more to the table. 1.9 will be huge. 20 man and 40 main raid additions with 1.9 for starters.
Wow gets boring, real boring. I have an epiced out undead rogue on the bonechewer server That i never play anymore cause i am so bored.
over 110 days /played

now i have an account just sitting there
Draax said:
I think it all depends on who you raid with. Our guild did just a trash mob run last night, and it was fun as hell, and we didn't even try to down a boss.

Well, as your friend mentioned, you haven't been doing MC very long. It is fun at first, definitely (as I said), a lot of fun, but it will get boring, you'll see :)

It stops being fun and starts becoming a second job (one you're not enjoying, and you don't get paid for). Especially as the guild progresses and becomes more "hardcore", which you essentially have to do if you want to get the higher level bosses (in BWL). You can only do the same thing so many times before it becomes repetitive and dull.
I played DAOC for over a year, had 5-50's there and then quit before this summer. I tried to get into WoW, a friend is letting me use one of his accounts, and couldn't really get into it. Not sure why.....

23 Human Warlock
12 NE Hunter
JWeavis said:
I played DAOC for over a year, had 5-50's there and then quit before this summer. I tried to get into WoW, a friend is letting me use one of his accounts, and couldn't really get into it. Not sure why.....

23 Human Warlock
12 NE Hunter

Maybe it's because you are alliance. Try Horde.
i have a lev 60 mage decked out in epics. It's fun everytime you get a new piece of epic. But when you don't, it gets boring. What really feels like a job is when you start to run a big guild. There is fucknig politiking out the wahzooo..
Any game will get boring if you play the snot out of it....saying a game doesn't get boring is saying that you don't get happens.

Any game will typically be fun when you first play it.

So the progressing of "I like it at first then it got boring" is typically innevtiable for a large majority of people.

WoW requires a guild to have fun at the end. It also requires you to think outside of the box. If you just do what is obviously available...then yeah, its get boring. But take 30 or 40 60's with farmers clothes and pitchforks and raid a major alliance can be fun. As for my main, yep...I only pull him out for raids...but I have alts I play...a couple actually. Reason I have a couple is for the rest exp bonus. Full rest exp makes the speed more fun.

Also for PvE...yeah, they get boring quicker. Our guild plays on two PvE, and one PvP...most of have come over to the PvP server just to livin it up. And no...PvP isn't that bad.....just need to use your noodle.

Any game is the fun you make it.

arr4ws said:
whatever dread...

let people play the way they want

If you like running around holding hands go for it. It doesn't defeat the fact that PvP is for the tough. Getting ganked while lvling is apart of the server. If you can handle dieing 10 times in one day by a lvl60 then you know you will become better at playing. You actually learn how to play your toon in certain circumstances. Makes becoming lvl60 is much more enjoyable.

I just can't seem to grasp fighting next to a pally when your a shammy and you can't hit him unless he flagged himself. That just doesn't seem right. The factions are at war with each other aren't they? But you are right "let people play the way they want" but just realize we are on a greater lvl of play.