my lian li pc82 watercooling rig

Jun 4, 2004
hi there

after a very long time im going to post some pics of my system again :)
lian li pc82
watercooling system from aqua-computer
abit nf7-s2.0 (watercooled)
xp2500+ @ 2300mhz (watercooled)
sapphire radeon 9800pro (watercooled)
160gb sata from samsung
512mb pc32000 xms pro (second stick is coming :D )

watercooling setup:
airplex evo 240 with two papst 120mm fans
cuplex evo 1.0
twinplex 1.2
twinplex (ati-version)
eheim 1046
anti-magnetical cage for the pump

here are the pics

















sweet case, that thing is GIGANTIC. I'm sure there'll be tons of people (who have never water cooled before) who will jump in and tell you all the elbows are killing your flow blahblahblah. I'm still confident your setup would hand any type of aircooling (that isn't 50db) it's ass on a platter. Nice window too, clean & gives a peek as to what's inside. BTW, i'm a fan of thin diameter tubing, how does that stuff route/bend? I imagine it's a hell of a lot better than 1/8" clearflex...
hi there
thanks for your reply

@the tubes
the beding radius is actually small because the tubes are very stiff

at first i had al lot of elbows in the system but left them away later because i think it looks a lot better without them....

but i did not realy notice any difference in the temps or the waterflow (the water-fountain in the aquatube is still the same...)

my cpu is running with a vcore of 1,9v and the fans on the radiator are running with 5v and my temps are 38° in idle and 45° under load

by the way
sorry for my bad englisch ;) the english we learn in our schools here in germany realy sucks :D

I love it... nice, clean, simple, effective. The way it should be.

Pics of how rad is mounted?
the radiator is mounted with the special cover
its like this

-------------------------------- <cover
[-----------] [-----------] <fans
[---------------------------] <radiator

the rad is connected to the cover trough the fans with eight long screws
(hope this was understandable enough :D )
That's pretty sweet looking. Pardon my ignorance but what is the anti-magnetic cage for the pump for? Did you buy it as a kit or select the parts individually? I have been looking into this somewhat and I love that resevoir.
hi there

the cage is there because of the hdd's!
in my first watercooling setup i did not have one and the magnetic field of the pump f***ed up my whole files!
and i selected the parts individually

i used a normal dremel to cut the side pannel

i have to go to school know to get the results of my "school leaving examinations" (dont know what you say to our "abitur" in the usa)
so wish me luck :D
"school leaving examinations" = Final exams/final examinations Best of luck.

Nice case also. I like the clean look it has.
man everytime i see a lian-li and a watercooling setup it just makes me want one even more. great job! just wish i had the money for one lol.
Crimson-AC- said:
hi there

my cpu is running with a vcore of 1,9v and the fans on the radiator are running with 5v and my temps are 38° in idle and 45° under load
Nee, ich meinte wo das Ding im Kasten an Sich festgemacht ist. Oben? Unten?

yes, I know it's german. I shall translate later.
Little Grabbi said:
Nee, ich meinte wo das Ding im Kasten an Sich festgemacht ist. Oben? Unten?

yes, I know it's german. I shall translate later.

also ich versteh jetzt deine frage nich so ganz, aber ich versuch mal zu antworten

der radi ist natürlich oben im case-deckel befestigt (sieht man ja an der blende)

hoffe die antwort war jetzt die richtige :D ;)
damn i envy all you guys wit $$$$

oben im case-deckel Kasten an Sich festgemacht antwort Nee, ich meinte sieht man

what did i say?? i got no clue lol i copied and pasted random parts from the other 2 guys
That is beautiful. Heh, thats one of few Lian Li's that I've seen that I have liked. One thing though that just caught my eye after staring at that cases beauty for several minutes, that power button must go. Its perfection top to bottom, then you have an ugly little power button.

by the way
sorry for my bad englisch

Yeah, my girlfriend is 100% german and speaks perfectly. Youre slacking Crimson-AC-....jk. :D Your english is pretty good. I've talked to a lot of germans (my gf's friends) and their english was a lot worse than yours.

the english we learn in our schools here in germany realy sucks

The english we learn in our schools here sucks too....and I'm in America. :p

Good luck on your tests and future mods. :)
hi there

i wanted to buy one of these nice looking buttons (i think they're called bulgin switches or something here) but i am going to sell that case in three months to a friend, so i am not going to change something on it anymore

my next case is again a lian li :D (pc v2000 :eek: )

and again thx for all your replies :)
WOW!!!. You did exactly what I want to do with the window in the case that I am starting to mod. Sweet looking rig dude.

Copletely awesome. Can't wait to see your next mod.I have never seen a Lian-Li case look so good.
§pix said:
WOW!!!. You did exactly what I want to do with the window in the case that I am starting to mod. Sweet looking rig dude.

Copletely awesome. Can't wait to see your next mod.I have never seen a Lian-Li case look so good.
thx :)

i will start in three or four months with my next mod
but i have to sell my pc82 because my next project is going to be a lot more expensive :(
If you hadn't said that you were going to sell it to a friend and that you were in a different country I would buy it.

How much are you asking by the way?
First off very nice! I love it.

Secondly, all those 90 Degree bends are a NO NO. Bad Bad Bad for flow. two 45's will be way better for the flow.

ToddTheFrog said:
First off very nice! I love it.

Secondly, all those 90 Degree bends are a NO NO. Bad Bad Bad for flow. two 45's will be way better for the flow.


like i said before there is no problem with the waterflow!
i allready had setups with a lot more angles and setup with just one
and there was no difference

so that's fine for me ;)

now if you think there is one, then that's the way for you...

in the aqua-computer forum we have a member who tested all these stuff about waterflow (minum and maximum...)
and this boy knows what he does!

i am not into all these testing stuff so i just give you a link to his page
(i know it's german but if you take a look at the diagrams you see what i mean)
advanced101101 said:
ashamed the logo cutout is so small, wud be cool to see everything

it was my intention to give the viewers just a little teaser for whats inside the case!

i am not a fan of these nowadays so overloaded mods with windows as big as doors and lightning as bright and coloured as disney park in the night :D
Crimson-AC- said:
it was my intention to give the viewers just a little teaser for whats inside the case!

i am not a fan of these nowadays so overloaded mods with windows as big as doors and lightning as bright and coloured as disney park in the night :D
agreed. Some can look pretty killer, but most of them are too bling for me.
how many sections of tubing did you use?.. i m not asking for length of the amount of tubing you used, i meant the number of tubes running regardless of length
if you want to know it exactly there are 12 tubes in the case

but 4 of them are very short (the ones between the 90°bends)

but i have to give some short news :D

the pc82 is gone now and the new case is allready under my dremel :D
here`s a pic of my new case

and this pic shows the hdd-area after i removed all the mounting walls for the hdd`s
i will place the two airplex evo 240 in that "chamber"
hey crim, where'd you get that cool grill thing on the top of the pc82? i need something like that.

i have one question, where did u put your switch for your CCFL?