My first case mod


Nov 22, 2004
Hello Everyone,
After seeing what some you have done to yourt cases, it gave me some inspiration to mod up an old case I had laying around. I know it doesnt even come close to some of the cases that I have seen here, but I use what skill I have.
At this point in time its a work in progress I am waiting for the paint on the doors to dry and for my new p4 cpu to come. Please go easy on me, keep in mind it is my first ;)

Well heres the old POS acer case that I had laying around. Actually I has 2 identical cases, but I forgot to take pictures of the case I modded, so here is basically what i had to work with:




Sorry I didnt take in-between pictures of the steps I took to mod this case but youll get the idea. I really hope it fits some of your tastes (seeing how much time I have spent on it so far)...






Ill post more pictures up later once the doors dry and I get the rest of the stuff mounted up. I still have alot to do with this mod.

I hope you guys like it so far :confused:

PS. Sorry if the pics are taking a while to load, the server seems to be slow tonight.
:) I couldnt think of anything else to cover the ugly front up with, and I didnt want to paint it like the rest of the case, so I decided to use diamond plate. I will polish it later to help give it a more of a mirror finish.

Oh and forgot to mention the fan in the front is a blue led fan, and ill get a blue ccfl later.
Im also open for any recommendations any of you may have,

Thanks for all the positive comments so far!
Off to bed for now...
Well, I finally got my Intel CPU today from newegg, there is a little progression with the case. Now its up and running. I still am waiting for the paint on the window side door to dry and I still need to order a CCFL and a few other small things.

Anyway, heres what it looks like as of now.

First what its got in it (Most are parts I had laying around so they arent the latest and greatest):
Intel D865GBF mobo
Intel 3.0C CPU
PNY Ti 4600 GF4
Onboard sound (Needed to keep the cost down)
A modem (because I am going to sell this case to someone that doesnt have cable)
Case Fans 1 120mm, 1 92mm, 2 80mm





Hope you guys still like it.
Love the blue fan on the front. The diamond plate is also very cool looking.
But your still waiting for the paint to dry? It's been ten days, do you mean your waiting for the second or third coat to dry or has it all been the smae coat?
Sorry for the wait. I have been waiting for some parts that came in from Hong Kong. I finally installed them. This looks like this may be it. Im not sure what else I may add to it but I am sure it wont be anything too major, maybe some appliques and such.

Heres the final product. You guys should like it if you liked what you saw before....

With the lights on:



And the lights off:




Let me know what you think :)
That looks like an AOpen HX-45. Those were GREAT cases, I built quite a few systems around them. For $40-50 (at the time) you got a great case with a reasonable power supply, made out of very solid folded steel, and with a good amount of expansion room.

I think your mod looks really good. Two things I'd do though. I'd either use hobby spray enamel or black MonoKote to make your HP CDRW black. It looks a lot better if it matches everything else.

Secondly, I'd get rid of the front fan grill and make something of your own. IMO, it doesn't match your theme, and looks sort of tacked on as an afterthought. With the work you put into that case, I think you can do it one better there.
Thanks for some feedback.

I did have a black painted CD ROM in there but it was WAY too slow, so I temporarily stuck the HP CD writer in there. I Will paint it up when I get a chance (maybe tomorrow). As for the fan grill on the front, you are actually correct now that I think of it. Ideas? I would like to put something premade into it, but ill see what the kid says, that I am selling it to first.

PS. It was an afterthought to put that girll on there I had it laying around and decided to stick it on there :p
Orange fans look weird, but other than that, cool. Don't imagine you're going to change out the fans though.
Gibo said:
Orange fans look weird, but other than that, cool. Don't imagine you're going to change out the fans though.
Lol unless I have something else laying around. I put them in there because I took them out of my main rig (my thermaltake case), so instead of buying more fans I decided to use them.
beautiful... i really like this one.

hmm... i guess since i can't *sell* my old p1 tower ($50... and no offers whatsoever) i might just mod it... into an atx system with some coolness to it.
It's excellent! It makes me want to actually spend time working on my project case that I've been delaying. I like the orange fans.
codeflux said:
very nice. the bulgin switch is duly noted. but your case has nothing on Lysdexia :)

good job!
Lol knew there had to be another diamond plate case out there. I didnt want to make mine completely ouy of diamond plate and I was going to do that with the drive bays, but I wanted to leave a touch of black on the front so I decided to leave the black paint exposed(I may add a design to the front drive bays later to not make it so boring looking). All designs on the case were thought up on my own. I didnt copy off of anoyone elses work, (to my knowledge ;) )

Im very glad to see you guys like it. Makes me feel really great about successfully accomplishing my first case mod. Maybe sometime in the future ill do something again, different though. For now I have to concentrate on going to college so alot of my $$ is going to be saved for that.

Cheers :)
Looks really cool to me, but I'm a big fan of diamond plate.

The only thing I don't like is the protruding bolts on the side panel window and top, around the blow-hole fan. Flat head screws (or shorter allen-head screws) would look cooler, I think.

.B ekiM