My cat scratched my U3011

So trim those indoor cats but not necessary for cats that have free access to run around the neighborhood. Matter solved?
I'd still look at the cats claws periodically and ensure none were growing out of control, but you really shouldn't need to do much with outdoor cats in that regard. Indoor cars, even with scratching posts will never wear their claws down nearly as quickly as they'll grow.
I don't think you can, or you could do anything to prevent it to happen, it just happened and you probably have to live with it from now on. Your screen can't be repaired.
I find this entire thread hilarious. Pets seems to know the best objects to destroy.
a dog wouldn't have clawed your LCD.

$1000 LCD >> cat.
Dogs can cause just as much havoc. My two dogs peed all over my PS2 game collection. I kept wondering why my PS2 game covers were getting sticky and yellow until one day I caught them in the act. :mad:
^^ keep your games on shelf above dog penis level?


^^^ get a female dog?
^^ keep your games on shelf above dog penis level?
The problem is I have too many games and movies! I have to keep some of them in the bottommost bookcase level.

But anyways, I've now trained them not to pee on my games by yelling and chasing them away whenever I caught them trying to mark their territory there. Dogs are infinitely easier to train than cats. Cats are too damn arrogant. ;)