My Case...project X

That side window looks nice.

But as for the top. I would cut a larger stright edge window around the whole thing and then just cut a smaller hole out for the blow hole. Cause dude. That looks like you're ether not done working on the top or you got extreamly lazy on your lines.
yea, the X one on the top looks all sharp, unsanded, unfinished, and unprofessional :(

get a metal file and file it till its straight
same thing for that flame thingy
You just ruined a nice case.

Cut out the top and put a large piece of plexi for a window there. And get a nice dremel and make straight lines. It looks like you were using a nibbler or something.
Originally posted by bonzanego
sweet ass PSU

i agree

however, i'm not ballsy enough to put a window in my PSU...let alone take it apart...i have a MAJOR fear of being electrocuted.
I agree with everyone else.. Fix the top! The side looks great.

Did you cut the top things by hand without sketching?! hehe..

If you can't make it look good, cut the whole thing out and make it one big window.
I believe it has been said already but, fix the top.

The design on the side with the X is ok.
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: OMFG THATS THE WORST CUTTING I HAVE EVER SEEN, ARE YOU BLIND? :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

^^^for the top part, the side is pretty nice though.
Dude...WTF happened to the top of the case? Make it one big window for christs sake.
by you not responding to this thread, does that mean ur embarrased about ur L337 cutting skills? or are you a kind of person that posts for "bragging rights"?
EDIT: Comedian SLAYA wants me to edit my Stevie Wonder joke, as he is apparently Rick James ( a good friend of Stevie Wonder) I'm in no position to offend Stevie Wonder or any of his constituents, so I have odlibged and just changed my comment to "Wow...did you have a seizure while cutting those holes?" Rick James...I hope you are happy.....
by looking at the top you would have to wonder if he did the other stuff at all... not the same quality at all...
Originally posted by pineapples10
are you stevie wonder? I ony assume that because of the dremel job you did to that case......
props for the psu though...

hey BIATCH i used the blind joke first so edit your post cuz im RICK JAMES BIATCH.
It says on his site he started with a premod X-shape hole, I assume he dremmeled the pannels around it.
Whoa whoa whoa. You say you're AFRAID to even take apart the PSU? When you cut that hole you probably left ALL SORTS of metal shavings in there! It's not going to get any more dangerous if you open it up.

Besides, by cutting those windows in the PSU and leaving them open, you're ruining the airflow across the heatsinks in the PSU. That can cause excessive heat build-up (been there, done that, your computer will crash) and do nasty things to heat-sensitive parts in the PSU.

So put some windows in there. It'll look better.
Originally posted by ST|FFY
by you not responding to this thread, does that mean ur embarrased about ur L337 cutting skills? or are you a kind of person that posts for "bragging rights"?

Geez! give the poor guy a break. Just because his cuts don't look so well, at least the guy's out there practicing on something, and actually TRYING to mod his case, unlike most people w/ a couple LED fans and some lights and call it a "mod." :rolleyes:

The PSU looks pretty good. Nice job with the sleeving :cool:
I'm Rick James, BITCH!

for the love of Jesus H. Christ and all things that have some holy value, SAND THE TOP PLEASE!

sexy PSU though

wow, the heatsinks in that PSU are tiny, i have one of those clear tops on my, and the heatsink was massive, and reached almost to the top of the psu case.

Also, i agree with everyother comment in this post about doing something to the top. What did you cut the top panel up with? pliers? a butter knife? wire cutters? something along those lines?

so yeah, the side looks cool, the psu looks nice, but the top is destroyed

Had to add this too...

top_pwn3d copy.jpg
sorry i haven't responded yet, but i've been busy. The top isn't that jagged IRL, it's paint that leaked through from the chassis. I managed to scrape most of it off, so it looks better now
Originally posted by gymboy689
sorry i haven't responded yet, but i've been busy. The top isn't that jagged IRL, it's paint that leaked through from the chassis. I managed to scrape most of it off, so it looks better now

Then for our eyes, can you post a new pic with the difference?
i dont think he is going to post the new picture, he prolly made it worse.. hes scared of us!!!!
Originally posted by compslckr
so yeah, the side looks cool, the psu looks nice, but the top is destroyed

Had to add this too...

omg sorry to laugh man but LOL
