My Abit F-I90HD beeps


Apr 18, 2007
I just put together a new system with an e4300 and have noticed some beeps coming from the motherboard. I tried looking on Abit's site, but couldn't find anything about them.

The first time it beeped, I just opened the AbitEQ program. It doesn't beep EVERY time I open it, just every once in a while.

Another time, I had TAT running (for the first time). It beeped with 2 different tones, like beep BEEP beep BEEP beep BEEP beep BEEP. After about another 10 minutes, it did it again, an error message came up saying that an error occurred, then my computer shut off.

My computer isn't OC'ed right now, and I didn't have any loading programs going when the beeps happened. Temps have been fine. BIOS 1.1. It has never beeped when running Orthos or SuperPi.

So my questions are - Has this happened to anyone else? and is this a sign of impending failure?
The beeping certainly sounds like an "alarm" beep like a temp problem. However, I'd think if it was CPU temp, then SuperPI would make it happen too.

What is TAT? What components does it stress that SuperPi wouldn't? (Video Card maybe?)
The beeping certainly sounds like an "alarm" beep like a temp problem. However, I'd think if it was CPU temp, then SuperPI would make it happen too.

What is TAT? What components does it stress that SuperPi wouldn't? (Video Card maybe?)

TAT is Intel's Thermal Analysis Tool. It shows temps and can also load the cpu (though I haven't tried that yet).

This morning, I got the beeps again. The one beep when I opened AbitEQ, and the series of beeps after TAT was on for a while. I turned off TAT before more beeps came and before my computer could shut off. Everything else is the same except I OC'ed to 2.7, stable for 4 hours under Orthos so far. 35C idle, 65C load. All the beeps so far have happened at idle. These beeps are confusing me b/c I can't find anything on them.
hmm...the way you describe the "BEEP beep BEEP" certainly sounds like some kind of alert. If it only happens at idle...maybe there's a fan monitor that's alerting cause a fan spins down too slow? or maybe a voltage monitor? (Sorry just guessing here, don't have mine setup to research further)
Probably your BIOS or the AbitEQ is set to generate an alarm if the CPU temp goes out of bounds or if one of the fan's RPM falls out of limit.

I had the same phenomenon, where my watercooling setup did not have a CPU fan connected, but was using the system fan. The BIOs was set to shut down on CPU fan alarms, which caused the beeping, since I had no fan connected. I wimply moved the fan form the sysfan header to the cpu fan header to be able to get into the bios and changed the alarm settings accordingly.

Also, the "12" BIOS has a problem with CPU temp readout, at least with my E4300. It would report -1 to 3 °C. Perhaps that is your promlem as well.
