MY 3700+ SD SHIPPED!!!


Oct 16, 2004
I just checked my email and guess what!!! Monarch computer shipped out my 3700+ San diego s939!!! It shipped on thursday so I should get it on monday!!
cell_491 said:
I just checked my email and guess what!!! Monarch computer shipped out my 3700+ San diego s939!!! It shipped on thursday so I should get it on monday!!

Lucky. They're still marked May 6th.
very nice.

ive decided to wait for dual cores. ive been heavily using my dual PIII box, and damn is it nice... hell, i might just stick to the pIII's for mutitasking and use the a64 for just gaming... im not sure yet
ashmedai said:
Lucky. They're still marked May 6th.
Yea they changed the date comment, it used to say that they ship on may 6th now it reads

Stock Constantly Arriving, Shipping Orders on a First-Come, First-Serve Basis
Next Shipment Arrives May 6th

So Im guessing they got a few earlier than expected :D
nice. i'll be expecting your oc in the revE oc'ing thread. don't forget to write down the opn or take a picture of it for me :D
(cf)Eclipse said:
nice. i'll be expecting your oc in the revE oc'ing thread. don't forget to write down the opn or take a picture of it for me :D
no problem :D
word :D

you should have the distinct honor of being the first guy with a san diego, unless someone else beats you to the punch ;)
(cf)Eclipse said:
word :D

you should have the distinct honor of being the first guy with a san diego, unless someone else beats you to the punch ;)
I ordered with fedex two day express so I might actually have it tomorrow
(cf)Eclipse said:
i don't think they ship on sundays ;)
actually im pretty sure that fedex express saver is the only service that does

EDIT: fedex started delivering on sunday in 1998 and stopped in 2001 :( so i guess it will be monday

from fedex's website:

FedEx Express
For time-critical packages. FedEx Express offers the most reliable, time-definite delivery in one, two, or three business days.
that business day is what makes me think no shipping on sundays.
if it does show up tomorrow.. i owe you one :D
boo, oh well. :(

sunday is sabbath (and saturday too!), so it makes sense... though i typically do more work on sundays than i do on any other day. damn school work :eek:

either way, you're a lucky fellow ;)
My 4000+ shipped on Friday via fedex next-day, so I'm expecting it bright and early tomorrow (Monday) morning.

Now I get to spend all week reinstalling software and getting the system set up. Fun fun.

cell_491 said:
Yea they changed the date comment, it used to say that they ship on may 6th now it reads

Stock Constantly Arriving, Shipping Orders on a First-Come, First-Serve Basis
Next Shipment Arrives May 6th

So Im guessing they got a few earlier than expected :D

what is the manufacture number ? Isn't 3700+ san diego won't ship til may 20th ?
3-Phase said:

It's the retail version.

but then how come Cell's 3700+ san diego shipped already if the cpu won't ship til May 20th???????
Did you get a test sample or somthing? I called them today to check on my order and they said the 3700+ (939) hasn't even arrived yet.
The new cores are REV E correct? Does that mean that hey have 3200 in stock w/ venice core? Seems weird that they don't specify what core it is.
BPBOX or an OPN that ends with BP = venice
BN = san diego

and yes, they're revE ;)
I am an inch away from pulling the trigger on a 3700+. I want it so bad! I would be very dissapointed if I couldnt hit 3ghz. What do I do?!?!?!
i'd hold out a week and see how the initial sample does, then see if the average oc is worth it ;)
I was able to squeeze 700 mhz out of my 3000+ Winchester, so I'm predicting at least that for the 3700+ San Diego. I'm aiming for about 2.9 - 3.0 G's. ;)
I_GOT_IT_TODAY!!! right now im having to low level format my hdd because it was an intel system before so whenever im done with that and i install windows and drivers..bla..bla...bla...Ill post some OC results
patriot71 said:
I am an inch away from pulling the trigger on a 3700+. I want it so bad! I would be very dissapointed if I couldnt hit 3ghz. What do I do?!?!?!
i wouldnt expect 3ghz+ unless you have vapo cooling i think 2.7-2.8ghz is much more reasonable
patriot71 said:
I am an inch away from pulling the trigger on a 3700+. I want it so bad! I would be very dissapointed if I couldnt hit 3ghz. What do I do?!?!?!
if you are that gung ho on 3ghz, get a higher rated chip. thats an 800mhz OC on the 3700+, def not something i would say is garanteed. get the FX55 or 57. id caution to say those would be more capable on air.

I_GOT_IT_TODAY!!! right now im having to low level format my hdd because it was an intel system before so whenever im done with that and i install windows and drivers..bla..bla...bla...Ill post some OC results
low level? you cant low level format a HDD, it can only be done at the factory. youre probably referring to a zero fill, which is wholly unnecessary. all you need to do is delete the table that tells the disk where all the data is, ie, the "quick format" option in the XP setup. anything else isnt needed.
lithium726 said:
low level? you cant low level format a HDD, it can only be done at the factory. youre probably referring to a zero fill, which is wholly unnecessary. all you need to do is delete the table that tells the disk where all the data is, ie, the "quick format" option in the XP setup. anything else isnt needed.
Im using maxtors boot up floppy that is capable of a low level format...why Im doing something so drastic you ask? Because windows setup (from my boot cd) fails during boot up so i was unable to get to windows setup and format with it
cell_491 said:
Im using maxtors boot up floppy that is capable of a low level format...why Im doing something so drastic you ask? Because windows setup (from my boot cd) fails during boot up so i was unable to get to windows setup and format with it
that sounds like a problem with the board or the optical drive, not the HDD. possibly the XP disk. is it burned? i had a problem with a slipstreamed copy of XP and an HP laptop, didnt like the disk for some reason

although they say its "low level" its really not. its just a zerofill, equivalent to what you might get from something like killdisk.
lithium726 said:
that sounds like a problem with the board or the optical drive, not the HDD. possibly the XP disk. is it burned? i had a problem with a slipstreamed copy of XP and an HP laptop, didnt like the disk for some reason

although they say its "low level" its really not. its just a zerofill, equivalent to what you might get from something like killdisk.
I tried both of my cd drives and I tried two different xp discs one oem and one copy (i have a legal cd key) And I seriously doubt its the bout you wait another 25min and ill tell you if it worked and i doubt maxtor would put the option for zero fill and low level format on the floppy if the are both the same thing :rolleyes:
cell_491 said:
I tried both of my cd drives and I tried two different xp discs one oem and one copy (i have a legal cd key) And I seriously doubt its the bout you wait another 25min and ill tell you if it worked and i doubt maxtor would put the option for zero fill and low level format on the floppy if the are both the same thing :rolleyes:
why do you seroiusly doubt its the board? whats so hard to believe that a motherboard can be bad just like a hdd or cd drive be bad? seroiusly, it sounds like the board's IDE controllers. data on teh HDD will not make the cd-rom not boot.

can you get me a picture of the option menu? true low level formatting hasnt been avaliable to end users for years just becuase drives are so very complex these days and low leveling writes things like how many bytes/bits are on the drive, it defines the LBA. unless it is specific for that drive or gives you perameters to set, its not a true low level.
lithium726 said:
why do you seroiusly doubt its the board? whats so hard to believe that a motherboard can be bad just like a hdd or cd drive be bad? seroiusly, it sounds like the board's IDE controllers. data on teh HDD will not make the cd-rom not boot.

can you get me a picture of the option menu? true low level formatting hasnt been avaliable to end users for years just becuase drives are so very complex these days and low leveling writes things like how many bytes/bits are on the drive, it defines the LBA. unless it is specific for that drive or gives you perameters to set, its not a true low level.
it would boot but fail in the "detecting devices" phase now that I formatted it it will load all the way up but when i select "setup xp installation now" it locks up and gives me a "IRQ_NOT LESS_OR_EQUAL" (or sumthin like that) error.
lol cell_491 I think after like 6months you finllay have your new cpu :)

congrats~! mine is on the waaaay! :D
Allright im scared...I got it to stop BSOD'ing but I had to set the vdimm to 3.0v at stock speeds and default latency...thats not good. Either their is an issue with the ram or the SD's just dont like TCCD
I just got my 3500 Venice from Monarch today. Santa came a day early with 2750 presents for me.
IRQ_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL normally means you have a problem with your memory, but im putting my money on the motherboard. its just not normal for the board to not to detect a drive followed by BSOD's at anything before 3.0v to the memory on TCCD. do you have anohter system to test the memory in? any DDR board will do. or just run memtest, but that wont give tell you if the board is to blame. have you tried with one stick?

i highly doubt the SD's dont like TCCD. AMD would be shooting themselves in the foot if that were the case...

BTW: ive moved drives around from via sets, to intel sets, to ali sets, to nvidia sets. not a single problem.
lithium726 said:
IRQ_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL normally means you have a problem with your memory, but im putting my money on the motherboard. its just not normal for the board to not to detect a drive followed by BSOD's at anything before 3.0v to the memory on TCCD. do you have anohter system to test the memory in? any DDR board will do. or just run memtest, but that wont give tell you if the board is to blame. have you tried with one stick?

i highly doubt the SD's dont like TCCD. AMD would be shooting themselves in the foot if that were the case...

BTW: ive moved drives around from via sets, to intel sets, to ali sets, to nvidia sets. not a single problem.
Ok your mixing up my problems here, the HDD issue was a seperate problem that gave me seperate issues. The memory is giving me a whole new set of problems...I just tested them in another system and they worked fine....maybe it is the board or maybe its the SD core...ill see how my system oc's with the ram at 3v but i have a bad feeling that if its unstable at stock speeds at anything lower than 3v then I wont get a good oc. Im going to test it out with my friends corsair stuff this weekend and see if i get the same problem
i think the best idea is to test out the TCCD in another system - thatll tell you if its a simple incompatability or if its that you need to RMA that ram.

have you tried the sticks seperatly?

edit: just thought of something. the BIOS. are you sure it supports san diego? i believe that there was supposed to be an update needed for san diego, while it wasnt necessary for Venice. reason being a changed power management tech on SD.