My 2600k


Nov 29, 2011
I built my 2600K machine last week and last night I finally got around to seeing what it could do. Since I put it together, I haven't had time to properly play with the O/C. I just set it on "auto" overclock @4.4Ghz and it ran like a top. Last night I got her up to 5.0Ghz, (with very high voltage, 1.46v) and she will boot to windows and run Intel Burn Test, but temps are as high as 88C, so I backed down the voltage and settled on 4.8GHz@ 1.360v. Temps after folding all night we're topping out at 76C. Going from 1.39v to 1.360v dropped my temps on average 7-9C and still kept it rock solid in Windows. Its amazing to me that small of a voltage drop will do.!149