Must Watch Non-Tech Related Video of the Day

I love it when nerds have to nitpick, kinda sad really, makes me remember how much of a antisocial geek I AM NOT
OK, props to Block for the stunt driving, always a blast... but what really amazes me is the car and it's setup..

besides the obvious power and acceleration, that's one helluva chassis! side-ways air-born drift! incredible machine.

It was filmed over four days so I wonder how many cars or parts he actually went through, I'm sure he broke it at least once, and yeah he's great at gymkhana, but complete s#!t at actual rallies, haven't seen him at any Rally X events though so I can't comment on that, although Faust is bloody quick.
Yes it's cool driving, yes he made many mistakes and had to do a bunch of stuff over and over to get it right, what I don't get is who pays to create these videos?

The cost to make this clip must have been hundreds of thousands of dollars in permits and to shut streets down to keep pedestrians out etc., don't see any ad value in this really.
This guy is totally amazing. Don't worry about the WRC. Overtime he will climb that steep hill ;-)
This guy is totally amazing. Don't worry about the WRC. Overtime he will climb that steep hill ;-)

To be fair Colin McRae was fast but more well known for wrecking than winning, couple of good years though, including the year he dominated, and got far in the X Games rally right before his fatal flight.
I saw the first 90 sec. of the video before it started buffering. So I'm going to download it and watch it like a short film. Ken Block is an amazing piece of talent!
I watched Gym5 and Gym4. Awesome stuff. I'll download and watch the older Gym videos when I get home.

BTW, the thread title is misleading. There's some really high-tech goodies going on in Ken Block's car. :cool:
Rally racing bores me to tears...watching it is painful and dull. It takes REAL SKILL to do it...just boring as hell.

Ken Block on the other hand is always entertaining to watch, probably takes him 5 takes per shot, etc. etc. but it is a blast to watch....and it makes me wish any city would let me drive MY car that way ;)

Sorry Steve, but your car wouldn't survive that kind of stress.