Must play xbox titles

The King of Pants

Jul 7, 2004
So i just scored an origional Xbox, now i need to build up my library. So what titles should i keep my eyes open for as a cruise the racks?
The King of Pants said:
heh i've had a copy of the Black version on my shelf for the last few months waiting for a system:D

Unless you are god of gamers, get ready to get REALLY frustrated if you play the challenge modes. :) I thought I was good by beating the game on hard, then got my ass kicked all over the place on the missions. :mad:
Knights of the Old republic...then the second one..and i agree with burnout series, ninja gaiden
if you have four controllers and enjoy playing with friends the two BEST party games on the xbox are

Fuzion Frenzy and Kung Foo Chaos. My 20 -30 year old friends loved to play those everytime we all got together.
The King of Pants said:
Damn i forgot all about kung fu Chaos, played it way back at E3 one year, on the list for sure.

Yeah, thats one crazy game. I loaned mine to my bro and never got it back! :mad:
What was the name of that racing game about 2-3 years ago where you had to design your own car and get sponsorships and stuff? Anyone remember?
another vote for fusion frenzy if you have freinds over alot. and another for any burnout. NFS:MW also was cool.
I'm not saying these are MUST BUY GAMES THAT YOU CANT LIVE WITHOUT, but games that I enjoyed.

Jade Empire

Chronicles of Riddick (if you can get this on PC and your comp can run it, do so, but if you can't, it's still a great game on the Xbox)

Baldurs Gate: Dark Alliance - Honestly, I don't know why I enjoyed this game as much as I did. I think it was the first game I owned for my Xbox. Looking back on it, it really wasn't anything standoutish of the game, but it was just plain hack'n'slash fun.

Edit: Actually, scratch most of what i just said about the game. It was extremely well polished in the graphics department. While that may be the case, what I've remembered mostly is the fun gameplay, which is what matters most in the end.

Ninja Gaiden - Well, I honestly haven't played much of the game. What I did play though, and what I've heard, I could easily see it as being a very good game. What makes it hard reccomending it is, it really is a hard game. But seeing as how you've already got it, that's great. Still, you've been warned. More than this thread would indicate probably.
mentioning bualder's gate (which i thought was an average game)
made me think of Dungeon's and Dragon's Heroes which I thought was an excellent game.

It's of the same styel, but better, and the co-op on it is awesome. I played it all the way through with 2 other people.
Only speaking from personal experience...

Ninja Gaiden BLACK
Fable: The Lost Chapters
Fuzion Frenzy
Halo: Combat Evolved
Halo 2
Hulk: Ultimate Destruction
Forza Motorsport

Exclusive on Consoles
Morrowind: Game of the Year Edition

Multiplatform Games to get if you don't have already:
X-Men Legens I & II
Prince of Persia: Two Thrones