multi notepad arrangement in Windows can I make it like XP?


Jan 5, 2006
Here is a picture of how my multi notepads look in Windows 7:

So first of all, in XP I was able to add more than that without having to use arrows to scroll up and down...makes me lose time.
Also in XP I had Notepad 1 ,2 and 3 at the bottom of the screen so it was easier to open those. And XP used to open up showing those always at the bottom...with Windows 7 it always shows the Top one and makes me scroll down for the hidden ones below.

I hope that makes some sense.
Are those all in the same folder? You could make a toolbar if so, probably the quickest way to solve this. Also if you are talking about 7 combining multiple windows from the same program (N number of notepad files open, in this case) you can turn that off. (Taskbar right click properties -> Taskbar buttons -> Never Combine)

Wait...reading your post - do you have all those open at the same time?
Yes I actually want the all combined in one column like it does but I want to change the way it handles it...make it like XP.
Unless you have a better idea or how I can handle that many notepads. Basically each note pad has a script I use for my work when closing cases so I can keep up.
Glad to help. I hate having tons of stuff open with lack of management. I use any alternative app I can get my hands on that utilizes tabs or other window management types.
Indeed, I always wanted to be able to grab one and move it to a different location or something but no...still with XP at least the layout was better for me.
I will try to use that program before coming back from lunch.