Multi Monitor Wallpaper HowTo (Vista)


Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 25, 2005
I've seen this being requested a few times, i finally figured out how to do it without any 3rd party program.. Its easy, can't believe i didn't try it earlier (i tried all sorts of stupid programs).

This is just for reference

You need an image editor, i use PS CS3 anything will probably do. if you need a free editor try Gimp.. (Paint would probably even work)

my Setup consists of

Main 1920x1080
Secondary 1050x1680 on the Right.. (Verticle 2001FPW)

1. calculate your dimensions of the total wallpaper (must be exact)

in my case its 1920 + 1050 Wide = 2970
and the larger of the 2 heights (1050 or 1680)..

my dimensions are 2970x1680

create your new blank image with those dimensions.

2. Take the image you want on Screen A , in my case its on the left and size it to be exactly to Screen A's Resolution. In my case its 1920x1080. Now put this into your large Image and set it at the correctly location relative to your setup.

In my case i put a 1920x1080 picture in top left of the larger 2970x1080 image.

3. Take the image you want on Screen B, and size and position it the same. In this case i size it to 1050x1680 and position it on the Right size of the 2970x1080 image.
Example (120k)

4. Save Image and goto personalize display. Select thew new image and choose Tile, the key is Tile stretches over both screens, either other setting duplicates the wallpaper..

Results 117k)

and enjoy :)
lol i was using display fusion too.. it didn't work after i played a game full screen (backgrounds would stop working)..
That said, the OP's idea is cumbersome, IMO... Unless you use the same wallpaper for the rest of your life.

Oh come on!

That's about a minute or two's work at most. Create a new blank image. Paste two existing images onto the blank image. Save and set as wallpaper. It's a relatively quick and easy way to use images as wallpapers on that configuration of monitor.

How the hell much do you want to have your arse wiped for you?
How the hell much do you want to have your arse wiped for you?

Completely, thanks!

For me, I wouldn't mind doing that. Just for other users they don't want to screw around with that... I guess I also lost site this is an ENTHUSIAST forum and most people around here would do this.

Still, I wish Windows 7 would improve multi-monitor support... Add in some features like UltraMon has. I'm all for getting rid of 3rd-party addons (another shining example for me is mounting ISOs, and the features 7-zip has).
(Here's me betting that Windows 7 won't include the facility to mount ISOs!)