Multi-Function LCD: Need an anti-productivy LCD


Jul 5, 2004
Ok so currently my dad is using my old 17" optiquest (viewsonic) and is piping in TV using: cable --> usb thingy ---> very ugly TV. Basically, he's retired so productivity means nothing, hence doing paper work now requires a sports game to be on. And no, just adding a true tv to that room has been tossed by another power.
This monitor seemed to have it all:SyncMasterTM 192MP-Silver

Of course these two other monitors were nice:

This sony looked really damn good in IQ:SDM-HS94P/B"

While this one is big, and ok IQ:SyncMasterTM 213T

But, these don't have the bells and whistles. Any other good LCDs with cable in and a TV tuner. Also, NO i can't open up the computer, its a DELL and I want to keep it that way. IE i haven't had to fix it, ever.


I'm wondering is there a way to convert from cable to vga, so the other two could be an option? I have a rca to vga, so thats half way. Basically, we need the opposite of a FM modulator. Or is there a more direct method? Will converting the signal once or twice completely kill the IQ?
If you would get over your fear you could buy a tv tuner card and probally save some cash.