Mudflap Girl Mod


Limp Gawd
May 23, 2002
Hey gang,

I was getting sick and tired of my Antec Matrix case with my generic window mod, so I decided to buy the P160 and go to work with the Dremil to create something a bit more detailed. I picked up a piece of plexi, some cutting wheels, blue metalic paint, black glossy paint, and some hex bolts.

I drew out the design on some poster board and then cut it into a stencil for the case. I then wrapped the side panel in masking tape and copied the design from the stencil to the case. I added a few fan guards and the Coolermaster Aquagate to keep this baby cool and quiet. I'm well aware that the Aquagate is not for hardcore OC' no flames, m'kay? ;)
(plus, I think it looks kinda cool)

I still need to hide some more wires and make a few other changes, but this is pretty much how it's gonna look. All comments and ideas are welcome.




(Reagan appears to like my Mod as much as lower taxes!)

Thanks....I'm gonna get one of those modular PSU's and sleeve it with UV sleeving. I'll post more pics when I clean it up.

Thats pretty cool. Anyone know where I could get one of those Areogates? Summers cooling up here in CO and it's already getting too hot for my PC :( so I'm looking into good, cheap, WC setup just for the season.

back on topic whats that in the front bays? the thing that looks like a speaker?

nice job on the cutout
kronchev said:

back on topic whats that in the front bays? the thing that looks like a speaker?

nice job on the cutout

That my friend is the Cooler Master Aquagate watercooling unit.
Yeah....the aquagate is much smaller than I expected, but has worked just a bit better than my previously loud air-cooling.

The dremel work was a bit tedious, but I enjoyed every minute of it.....I'll post back once I clean it up a bit more.

i like it. i might have put more color on it, though (maybe paint some of the front blue or something like that) but other than that it's cool.
Nice work, and great idea with the mudflap chicks. There are alot of real truckers online if you dont already know, they'll get a kick out of it! I know a few of them myself. These days truckers are rarely the stupid redneck stereotype. They tend to be mobile and connected at all times! And chicks DO dig big keep on truckin man!
Thanks for the feedback.

I just got my UV reactive modular PSU yesterday. I'm gonna put that in soon and clean up the wire mess....I'll post more pics when it's done.
