MSI Radeon RX 570 GAMING X Video Card Review @ [H]


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
MSI Radeon RX 570 GAMING X Video Card Review - The first custom retail video card based on AMD’s new Radeon RX 570 GPU is our test bench, the MSI Radeon RX 570 GAMING X is poised to offer incredible performance and overclocking potential out of the Radeon RX 570. We’ll compare it to the competition, plus the Radeon RX 470 and see what advantage it offers.
Great flowing review, you nailed it. Focusing exactly where this card is meant to be at - 1080p. I was also surprised that 4gb at times was a limit a.k.a Doom. I wonder if the 8gb version would be more prudent for a buyer now even for a 1080 resolution setup considering newer titles will most likely continue to increase memory requirements. If the price and availability was better as in <$200 I would think that would land this a Gold award.
Good review. I need to look into "upgrading" my 470 with the 570 bios.

I would have liked to see the 480/580 included just because it normally trades blows with the 1060 and it would be interesting to see if it's consistantly outperforming it now with the 470/570 right on it's heels. Not a big deal but ti would have been interesting.
Exactly, how did you get one...I am kicking myself so hard right now for not hanging onto the 5 580's and 3 570's I had...could have made like 2000 bones at current pricing!
Interesting Review! Seems like daja vu with AMD coming out with enhanced versions of the same architecture.

If I was shopping for a video card in this price range, I would still lean towards the 1060. At stock they were pretty much on par with each other, and the 1060s do overclock pretty well. (unless my main game was Doom!)
Kyle, how in the name of "insert deity here" did you manage to find one in the middle of the crypto-crazyness v2.0?