MSI Radeon HD 7770 1GHz 1GB GDDR5 + FS - $79 after MIR


Limp Gawd
Jun 29, 2008
Edit: Apologies but I posted that seconds before stepping out to a concert. Should be fixed now.

NCIX also has the MSI Radeon HD 7770 1GHz 1GB GDDR5 + FS - $69 after MIR. Link.

It is worth noting that when I tried processing the GTX 650 from TD, it came to $81 (calculating the $30 MIR) with shipping and taxes, and this was one dollar cheaper, plus a better card. No game, but it is a choice.
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It looks like this is for Canadians only, it is $105 after rebate for their American website.
It looks like this is for Canadians only, it is $105 after rebate for their American website.

The link I gave is for their American site:

US . NCIX . COM (sorry for writing it this way, but the rest keeps getting deleted after posting.
The link I gave is for their American site:

US . NCIX . COM (sorry for writing it this way, but the rest keeps getting deleted after posting.

BTW, I checked my confirmation email, and it is the US site, which is also where the MIR coupon is posted.
Sold Out Online now.

There is an alternate offer for $79 with MIR

at us . ncix . com/products/?sku=72479&vpn=R7770-PMD1GD5&manufacture=MSI%2FMicroStar&promoid=1030

Everytime I give the normal link it erases the NCIX so I am guessing a site filter.