MSI P55-GD65 instability


Limp Gawd
Aug 24, 2005
Hi all,

I bought a new mobo/CPU/RAM upgrade at Fry's last night and I'm having some issues - wondering if anyone else has seen this.

Everything looked ok last night after I built it and got Win7 installed. Installed all my apps and then set an O&O Complete/Name defrag to run while I went to bed. Woke up this morning and the system was hard locked at 35% on the defrag. I reset it and got a CMOS checksum error at the first BIOS screen and the all the BIOS settings were reset.

I'm running the drives AHCI in the BIOS and I realized I didn't install the Intel Matrix Storage Manager thing - I installed that and upon rebooting I got a mandatory chkdsk that found a crapload of errors on the main 1TB drive. The system still came up ok after that though (no lost clusters or anything in the root) and that's where I am now.

Prior to the hardlock I had the RAM's XMP thing enabled in the BIOS, which was running it at 1600MHz 8-8-8-24 - it wants to default to 1333 9-9-9-24 by SPD and that's what it's at right now. EIST, turbo etc are all on. No OC yet until I get the stability at stock figured out.

Thanks, any help is appreciated!


MSI P55-GD65 mobo
Core i7 860
CoolerMaster Hyper 212 Plus HSF
4GB Corsair Dominator DDR3-1600 (2X2GB)
1TB WD Caviar Black (SATA2, main system HD)
Win7 Ultimate x64

Rest of the system carried over from the previous one:
Visiontek Radeon 4870
Coolermaster Sniper case
Corsair 620HX PSU
WD Caviar 250GB HD (SATA2)
WD MyBook 250GB external HD (USB2)
Logitech G5 and G15