MSI Neo2 + Errors, HELP!


Limp Gawd
Aug 23, 2004
Ok.. here's the deal. I'm having multiple problems, and I was hoping you guys could help me fix it or at least tell me what the problem is.

I just got a MSI K8N Neo2 Platinum with a 3500+ Winnie, and I haven't been able to get it to work right in the past 36 hours (well, 32 if you count sleep. :)).

I got Windows to install with a stick of Mushkin L2 in DIMM 1 and DIMM 2 for the first time yesterday, but it was VERY buggy and I was getting all sorts of errors and blue scrrens, so I decided to reinstall Windows. I haven't been able to get a successful install of Windows since. :(

I'm getting 3 types of errors. One of them has to do with the DVD-ROM I'm using I'm guessing, and it causes files on the Windows disk not to be found, thus, I can't install all the required files for Windows and it doesn't work properly.

The 2nd and 3rd are both blue screens, which I took pictures of. Sorry for the crappy quality.


As you can see, I'm getting multiple blue screens. What might this be tied to? I upgraded to 1.37b BIOS, but it doesn't change anything. I'm using all the stock BIOS settings, and haven't overclocked a bit. Also, how can I reformat, because if I use the Windows recovery console or whatever from the Windows CD-ROM, it won't let me reformat because the install of the OS wasn't successful, thanks to missing files.

Basically I'm just screwed. PLEASE HELP! :confused:
I got this before when my CPU cooler wasn't seated tight. It was when I was trying to reinstall windows. It was running ok, then started crashing as I was formatting. PC was crashing due to heat and it only took a few seconds.
So how do I reseat it? Do I have to take it completely off and the put it back on again?

Not only am I getting blue screen errors, I'm getting errors in Windows also.
ie: "Firefox had to close unexpectedly due to .... blah blah".

I'm thinking it has something to do with the RAM, because I ran Memtest86 today for the first time, and out of the first 9 tests, there were some odd 240 errors or something of the sort. :eek: I emailed Mushkin and asked if I could RMA it for some Level II V2. :D
PvP-ForLife said:
pump 2.75 v into the ram

I give it a try. I tried to max it out a couple times, but everytime I tried, it wouldn't POST and I'd have to reset the CMOS. I changed a bunch of things at once that were reccomended at a thread over at XtremeSystems, so I guess something else might have caused it. I'll give it a shot after I can reinstall Windows. Someone told me to download something and I just finished burning the .ISO to a CD-R, and I'm going to try to boot from it in a sec.
When I have had problems with a Windows install where files could not be found off the install CD, it has always been one of two things:

a) Bad RAM/memory timings, or
b) Processor cache coherency errors

The second error isn't always a bad CPU; more often it is an overheating problem. As someone said, try reseating the CPU heatsink/fan. If this doesn't work, try disabling the CPU caches in BIOS; this will slow things down incredibly, but if the install goes without a hitch you know where your problem lies.
If this doesn't fix it, try relaxing your RAM timings or using different RAM in your system. What type memory are you using, what speed is it rated for, and what timings are it set at? And what is your memory voltage set at? With two modules, I recommend setting between 2.6 and 2.7 volts, depending on the size of the modules you're using.

Finally, the K8N Neo 2 has a reputation for undervolting the Winchester CPU's a bit, which could cause a bit of instability. Try manually setting CPU voltage to either 1.45 or 1.5v. While my system ran stable, I found that my voltage settings were around 1.36v to the processor on Auto, and on manual 1.4v settings, at least as reported in the BIOS monitor. Going to 1.45v may solve your stability issues.
Xiode said:
I give it a try. I tried to max it out a couple times, but everytime I tried, it wouldn't POST and I'd have to reset the CMOS. I changed a bunch of things at once that were reccomended at a thread over at XtremeSystems, so I guess something else might have caused it. I'll give it a shot after I can reinstall Windows. Someone told me to download something and I just finished burning the .ISO to a CD-R, and I'm going to try to boot from it in a sec.

1. try changing the slots for the memory
2. reset your bios to default setting for memory (by spd)
3. pump 2.75 into the ram
4. run memtes86 again, if this fails(not 1-2 errors but 3xx or smt), either your mobo or ram is deffective
I'm almost positive it's the RAM. I edited the timings manually to 2-2-2-6 1T, and pumped 2.85v to it (I figure the more the better, because I had 3.3v on my DFI). It had less errors in Memtest, but it still has a lot of errors on test #5 each time. Like I said, I'm guessing there's a bad section of the RAM.

As soon as I can find some uninstallation instructions for the XP-90 (because supposidly it's very tricky to do), and I'm going to check for heat damage and reseat it. Anyone know how to get it off safely without screweing my processor up? I was afraid I would when I put it on, and getting it off is going to be x2 as hard. :(
I think I found the culprit. :D :p

As you can see, in like 11 minutes I think it was, there was 7000 errors. This is after testing the sticks one at a time. The other one is in right now testing, and hasn't had 1 error thus far after 16 minutes. :D
powerade said:
dont buy from msi and u wont have problems

what a lame fuck comment that was, just afer he showed that one of his sticks of ram is bad.. it had nothing to do with MSI at all. No need to be trolling..
My Brother in Law, had similar problems with the Neo 2. I would not post in dual channel mode with the Mushkin ram. He sent it back and the new one is not working properly. The memory will only run at 100Mhz instead of the 200 it is supposed to. I am begining to think that the MSI boards do not like Mushkin Ram.

Just my two cents,

trolling is making a post that is done on purpose to piss ppl off. Like comming into the AMD only section, and saying.. Intel kicks the shit out of AMD any day of the week, blah, blah, blah, to get everyone upset about it..

Now, in this situation I'm using the term alittle more loosely, as I don't know for sure if that post was designed just to be rude, but considering when that post was made, and what the problem was, it makes you wonder.
powerade said:
dont buy from msi and u wont have problems

You troll about this in every MSI thread you find. Since you have no reasons to give, and no help to offer, why not just give it up? You're doing no-one any good.
Novensu said:
My Brother in Law, had similar problems with the Neo 2. I would not post in dual channel mode with the Mushkin ram. He sent it back and the new one is not working properly. The memory will only run at 100Mhz instead of the 200 it is supposed to. I am begining to think that the MSI boards do not like Mushkin Ram.

Just my two cents,


I ordered a new floppy from NewEgg which should be here tomorrow, and I removed the partition that Windows made, so once it gets here... I THINK I should be good to go. At least I'm hoping. I got a blue screen yesterday when it got to the Windows install/config screen. I'm hoping that was just due to me not installing the RAID drivers with the installation, because the floppy wasn't working. :p

If all else fails, I'm going to try to reseat my heatsink, and if that doesn't work, I'm RMAing this board and getting new Patriot TCCD, once I get enough money. Anyone need a DFI Infinity? :D