MSI Live Monitor issues!


[H]F Junkie
Oct 13, 2004
well i was really sceptical whether i should post this in the motherboard thread or not..but it being a software quiestion i think it belongs here...

Ok starting off i got this new Motherboard, the MSI K8N Neo2 platinum
and the issue is, is with the software it provides, i have used this software in the passed with pass MSI boards with never these issues. It seems that MSI Live Monitor is the main culprate here in these issues. The problem i have is that i keep getting these errors: "the service has not been started" in a little error box. And this box comes up EVERY time i reboot and when ever i want to use it ( and it still lets me use it :confused: ) and i dont mean it comes up comes up about every 2 seconds im using it... It seems like my computer is starting out like too fast for this program..and not getting the processes right cause this happens everytime i reboot..... and even after i get this error when i boot (as if i wasnt going to use it. it still notifyes me) after that i get "CoreCenter does not support your motherboard" and after that error i just go into start>programs and start it from there and then it works fine ( might be what ill start doing :( )

and anouther note... it seems my computer , after it shows the welcome screen it then emediatly goes to the desktop and looks like everything loaded all fast...but then it takes about 1min for it to let me even do anything ( and also after that min the error pops up) its like its waiting for something....

if anyone had any information about this issue it would be a god-send cause this error is driving me nutz!!!
Hmmm, not sure what to tell you, as I have the same mobo and use live monitor also.

I guess I would check the preferences to make sure that everything seems correct. It loads on startup... doesn't load MSI News (Unless you really like to read it)..... maybe change the search schedule?

Otherwise, this problem is beyond my knowledge.

Good luck.
ok...its like its loading the apps faster then the windows is going to fast for itself....cause i have to wait a bit before i can even do anything in windows ( i pretty much have to wait for the errors.... ) and then i can use windows.... ( and after the errors the wireless network starts if windows was waiting for this one process to start....)...

ive formatted to many times to try and fix getting really ticked ( how would you like a "DONGing" error message every 2 secs of using a program... :rolleyes: )....

ill look at all the settings i guess.. latley i ben trying to stay away from the damn program.... :(

thanks for the advice... if any has a solution it would kickass
Ditch the msi software, its rubish anyways... get the drivers from nvidia you need and the latest bios is 1.6 but you can only download it from taiwan... there i just told you everthing live update and monitor does thats useful.