MS revised the Vista license terms

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three cheers for a revised EULA!

I am impressed -in a good way- that MS listened to its customers. This definetely makes Vista a bit more attractive.
djnes said:
Good. Now the anti-MS crowd can relax and unroll their underoos from their arsecracks. It still amazes me that such a debate was needed, with all the flaming and name calling, ...

"unroll their underoos from their arsecracks"
"with all the flaming and name calling"

oh, the irony.
Tutelary said:
"unroll their underoos from their arsecracks"
"with all the flaming and name calling"

oh, the irony.
Hmmm, humor not working with you as well. underoos from arsecracks is hardly a flame, considering some past threads and the flaming you have done of me, I thought you'd be aware of that. You need to get over this vendetta you have of me, where you take issue with everything I say. If I had flamed you, by all means report it, but this game is getting old. If you have a problem with my underoos comment, send odoe a PM, or use the report button, chief. Silly personal vendettas are a waste of time. You play the game here and in GenMay whenever we post in the same thread.
djnes said:
Hmmm, humor not working with you as well. underoos from arsecracks is hardly a flame, considering some past threads and the flaming you have done of me, I thought you'd be aware of that. You need to get over this vendetta you have of me, where you take issue with everything I say. If I had flamed you, by all means report it, but this game is getting old. If you have a problem with my underoos comment, send odoe a PM, or use the report button, chief. Silly personal vendettas are a waste of time. You play the game here and in GenMay whenever we post in the same thread.

You're a troll, you're just a very surgical one. You will take a thread where people have not called names, have not insulted each other and turn it into one. In this thread it started by differentiating the people who had a problem with the original EULA into a group of "MS Bashers", then went on to pepper in little insults along the way. If the mods would pay a bit more attention to how you word things, they would come to the conclusion that I have about you very quickly.

You dont like that I simply pointed out your tactic. Your posts speak for themselves.

djnes said:
Good. Now the anti-MS crowd can relax and unroll their underoos from their arsecracks.

The level of anti-MS sentiments here is disgusting at best.

Good point, they will relax for half a second, until they find the next item to bash MS over.

instead of flying off the handle on anti-MS crusades

The truth is you have no idea how anyone feels about MS, people simply disagreed with the EULA and wanted it changed. By labeling some people into an 'evil group' you start controversy. If you arent attempting to troll, perhaps you're doing it by mistake and should simply pay more attention to what you post.
1) You accuse me of flaming, only to do the same.
2) You take shots at the admins for "not doing their jobs"
3) You misunderstand everything I say, but you assume enough to go on a personal crusade against me.

Maybe the fact is YOU that doesn't like what I have to say? Isn't that equally possible? If I'm a troll, report me. There's the button. You should know where it is. Several other people have posted more inflammatory remarks, and have taken my comments even furthure, but yet you target me. Others have listed me by name to agree with me, and yet you target me. This obsession is a little troublesome, don't you think? I don't have tactics to start flames and arguments. Perhaps if you read some of the other users comments about the OS forums made in GenMay, you'd start to figure out who's actually the problem. As I am honored you'd pay this much attention to me, I think it needs to stop and you need to stop focusing on me. After all, how can you accuse me of being one to start flames, given the nature of your posts? Hypocrisy is strong with this one.
Tutelary said:
The truth is you have no idea how anyone feels about MS,
The truth is, you missed the whole point, but feel confident enough to argue with me. My points, from the very beginning, where to wait and see how this would turn out. Vista wasn't and isn't available to buy as of yet, so no one can make the buy or don't buy decision yet...everyone's in the don't buy crowd. Getting all riled up and bashing the company before it's even been finalized is a waste of time and effort. Go read through some of the comments in the previous thread that was locked. You're inventing ideas of me being a cnospiracy theorist, attempting to start riots. Apparently, I ask people to start riots by saying they should calm down and relax. Interesting tactic. I encouraged people to use their feedback options, and apparently, many in the enthusiast crowd did.

The very same panic went up over XP's activation process when it was announced....did that keep you from buying XP? Seems like just about everyone on here running Windows is running XP.
the BS continues.

Here is a nice quote from LIME in another thread, summing you up just as I have:

Lime said:
djnes made the posting personal, so nicka posted about his personal likfe that djne was calling out on. djnes you have to get it through your head that NOT EVERYONE THINKS LIKE YOU. We don't all put safety as number one. I mean, as long as its not thing there is, you'll generally be ok. And thats good enough for me. You can't live life worrying about OMG I MIGHT DIE IN A CAR ACCIDENT. I am completely siding with nicka on this, you just can't get it through your head that not everyone thinks like you. You degraded this thread into this by taking personal attacks on nicka.

You might want to pay special attention to the "You degraded this thread into this by taking personal attacks " part.
Did you really find a thread from 2 years ago? Please, tell me you don't think that's just sick and disgusting. Seriously, seek help immediately.

I do get personal when it comes to car safety. I've been in several bad accidents, and lost family and friends to bad accidents because of unsafe cars. If that's wrong, then so be it.
That's enough, bring the flaming and bickering elsewhere.
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