ms rate in CS with my 16ms LCD wtf?

Originally posted by emailthatguy
3 page thread for this?
Yeah ya got me *Shrug* a lot of people chime in but can't even back themselves up it's becoming more and more common on here.
Originally posted by Glow
Yeah ya got me *Shrug* a lot of people chime in but can't even back themselves up it's becoming more and more common on here.

Well, you did ask a semi-coherent (and rather dumb) question. Why anyone would think that number had anything to do with their monitor's refresh rate rather than lag is a mystery... I suppose we should just be glad it was ms and not MS, lest you panic over your computer getting a debilitating disease.

Since you seem unwilling to accept the obvious on its own merits, here's a source:

Referring to the "ms" number: "(this is a latency reading, rather than a pure ping, since it includes processing overhead on both ends)"

Let the mockery resume :p
Originally posted by Cardboard Hammer
Since you seem unwilling to accept the obvious on its own merits,

Where did I do this
Wow just wow. You suck at teh computers :D

You LCD if its a 16ms LCD then its 16ms, no buts, ifs and thens :p
Originally posted by Glow
$999 for any dell is a waste of money. Karma could come back to me when someone says gee I'm glad I didn't waste a grand on a crappy dell thanks for the input.

Man you're dumb...

Dell makes some of the best most reliable laptops.
Originally posted by Glow
$999 for any dell is a waste of money. ...

Goes to show what you don't know. A fully loaded PowerEdge 6650 would be an outright steal at even ten times that amount. :p
Originally posted by Glow
Yeah ya got me *Shrug* a lot of people chime in but can't even back themselves up it's becoming more and more common on here.

Whoa. After your dumb assed question, I think you're the last person to start calling folks out and quizzing their knowledge - even if it was a piss-poor attempt at a joke. Remember - YOU were the one who started this thread.
Originally posted by Stanley Pain
Glow, you = retard.

That is all.


Mr. Pain
Hey, this is America.. land of the free, home of the politically correct. We call them "mentally challenged." ;) In Kalifornia I think you'd be executed for a hate crime in this post.
Originally posted by PliotronX
Hey, this is America.. land of the free, home of the politically correct. We call them "mentally challenged." ;) In Kalifornia I think you'd be executed for a hate crime in this post.

Since when is it a felony to call someone a retard??
Originally posted by Big Worm
Since when is it a felony to call someone a retard??
The exaggeration was intended as sarcasm, sorry if you didn't catch that.
Originally posted by Glow
LOL I wouldn't think much of it bro ;) then again I don't think there is a service that offers 1.7mbps dsl either LOL. In 5 games my clans in 4th place in TWL I know what I'm doing. I will entirely admit though I have never heard of the command: cl_lc and interp .01. <- What is that anyways? But I do need something else to replace CoD for online play and Farcry does look nice. I'm down for fragging on a nice sunny beach.

you're bragging about being in TWL? ROFL! When you get to CAL-I come back and say you know what you're doing.
I think we need to take a point away from the CS fanboy scoreboard.

You did not prove the cause.........
Originally posted by PliotronX
Hey, this is America.. land of the free, home of the politically correct. We call them "mentally challenged." ;) In Kalifornia I think you'd be executed for a hate crime in this post.

you misspelled california. its correctly spelled Communifornia.
lol this thread needs to get stickied. Seems like every 5 posts someone makes a stupid sentence then gets bashed for it. HAHA this is great :p
I haven't laughed so hard in a long time.

This thread needs to be stickied for comedy gold. Shens or not, this post has lots of LOL factor :p


Mr. Pain