MS Access 2007 DB question


Aug 6, 2006
This is for anyone that has used Access 2007. After some searching I could not find any concrete info. For any DB created through the new version of access, is it still only capable of allowing one person at a time to use it? Example, the DB is shared over the network. Two users access it at the same time to make changes to a field. Does it lock it when one user is working on it or does it allow the other person make changes locking the field they are editing?
I'm using Access 07 and from what I've seen, if I'm in the DB, the other person can't open it until I exit. However, the DB was created with 03, but it is now being accessed using 07 on multiple computers. I've never used an 07 created DB so I don't know if DB created in 07 act differently.