Mp3 player thread - the best.

Hehe, that's why I still use my H360 with Rockbox. I'm the same way. :)

Unfortunately, Zune only supports sorting by tag, i.e. artist/album/genre. I honestly wouldn't mind that so much if I could have more than one "quick playlist" on the Zune, but until I have the time to make some playlists, it's not much use.

I used to have an 80GB Zune, now I have a 8GB Zune that I use for podcasts and audiobooks and I really do like it. Once my H360 dies I probably will go for a 120GB Zune, but hopefully that will be a long time in coming!

Rockbox ftw :D

Thanks for the info about the Zune. I'm sorry to hear the Zune is the same way. Well, I wont be buying another iPod (or Zune) unless I can have drag and drop folder structures (which means I'll probably never buy another). Rockbox is the shit, but you'd think the first party software would provide this.
the new sansa players are so so sound wise. samsung players have much better sound. i still dont understand why people still assume ipods are he best. they simply are not. marketing is king and alot of people jumped on the bandwagon sinmply because there are not enough major players in the mp3 market. morons. people do your homework and dont just get it because your friend has one. ipods are "ok" and they have lots of accesories but their damn software they make you use sucks ass. there is no reason why any mp3 player should require software to load your songs, and i refuse to buy any mp3 player that does.

Which samsung players?

Ipods suck

Love my sansa clip.
The zune has pretty good sound tho. I listen to mine at work all the time and have had no problems with it. I will go from 30GB to 120GB tho someday...:p
I think those Cowons you listed have BBE. BBE is awesome, I can't get enough of it. It's a third party sound enhancement tech that makes music sound much warmer and comfier.

There's a demo on the BBE website, and yes, it does really make that big of a difference on my A3.

S9 looks pretty sweet if you're just going for mostly music. The AMOLED is some sort of special new screen, that looks just as good as LCDs, if not better, and doesn't require a backlight. As you can guess, this does wonders for the battery life, as backlighting on LCDs eats battery. 55 hours of battery life, plus some sweet audio codec support (MP3, WMA, OGG, FLAC, WAV, and APE).

Also, Cowon has been good with firmware updates. For my A3, it's over a year old, and the new lineup is out, and I'm still getting firmware updates that extend battery life, fix bugs, and improves h.264 support. They don't forget about their customers, but american support does suck a little.
I think those Cowons you listed have BBE. BBE is awesome, I can't get enough of it. It's a third party sound enhancement tech that makes music sound much warmer and comfier.

There's a demo on the BBE website, and yes, it does really make that big of a difference on my A3.

S9 looks pretty sweet if you're just going for mostly music. The AMOLED is some sort of special new screen, that looks just as good as LCDs, if not better, and doesn't require a backlight. As you can guess, this does wonders for the battery life, as backlighting on LCDs eats battery. 55 hours of battery life, plus some sweet audio codec support (MP3, WMA, OGG, FLAC, WAV, and APE).

Also, Cowon has been good with firmware updates. For my A3, it's over a year old, and the new lineup is out, and I'm still getting firmware updates that extend battery life, fix bugs, and improves h.264 support. They don't forget about their customers, but american support does suck a little.

before audiophiles flip a shit, you can turn bbe on or off as you please
I have a cowon iAudio 7 and I love it :). It's compact, sounds great, has a custom EQ (among other things to customize your sound), nice screen and has ridiculous battery life. I charge it infrequently, and have not seen it drop below three of four bars.
I got the Cowon X5L (30gb) and it has been good to me for almost 3 years. Plays just like the rest of the Cowons like the others mentioned but this does not have a touch screen and uses a little joystick/button to scroll through the menus. Battery life still going strong.