Mozilla TALK with Better Butthurt Exclusion Tools


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Mozilla has decided that the Washington Post and other "news" organizations need better ways for readers to comment. Some "news" agencies have been so appalled at people being appalled, they the "news" organization has simply turned off comments. Others have disabled them after no one cares enough about their "news" to even comment at all. And other "news" organizations have launched without reader comments because reader comments do not give them the echo chamber that they are only comfortable with. While all this sounds like a kumbaya moment on the surface, I would suggest that it is nothing more than a tool to get rid of what you do not want to hear, or even better, what you want others to hear.

It’s easy to moderate. Based on feedback from moderators at 12 different companies, we’ve created a simple moderation system with keyboard shortcuts and a feature-rich configuration.

Maybe Mozilla could learn a bit from the HardForum Rule #1; (1) Absolutely NO FLAMING, NAME CALLING OR PERSONAL ATTACKS, NO TROLLING. Mutual respect and civilized conversation is the required norm. NO POLITICAL DISCUSSION OUTSIDE OF THE SOAPBOX SUBFORUM. And when any of that happens, our community has proven over and over to be able to police itself.
I read an extremely biased "news" article at the Washington Post the other day. I just could not believe the crap they were spewing... and this is just a way to get rid of the voices who call it for what it is... though this tool could be really useful for other websites with a comments section.
But how much better is a populated echo chamber than an empty one?

Mozilla have been pushing the "progressive" vibe on their start page for ages. So it's no surprise they want to help the authoritarian snowflakes.
I don't think it's that they can't figure out how to moderate them correctly. It's that almost all the news pieces they come out with are actually editorialized with strong biases and they don't want dissenting opinions.
If they could ensure that it's an echo chamber, you bet your ass they would be all over it.
Some news comments were cesspools of BS. Filter out those and you have good discussion from both sides.

"Winter is coming." Reply - "Trump caused this, what a bastard." (or replace Trump with Obummer or other name you have for him). Or someone posts a good reply and then the onslaught of "racist, bigot. You supported Trump, so you're literally KKK" or "You hate <insert group>" or whatever.

I like [H]. You can say your opinion. If people don't like it, they call you out on it. But, you get to say it, you get to explain yourself, and you get to argue your opinion. People don't have to agree with you.
Some news comments were cesspools of BS. Filter out those and you have good discussion from both sides.

"Winter is coming." Reply - "Trump caused this, what a bastard." (or replace Trump with Obummer or other name you have for him). Or someone posts a good reply and then the onslaught of "racist, bigot. You supported Trump, so you're literally KKK" or "You hate <insert group>" or whatever.

I like [H]. You can say your opinion. If people don't like it, they call you out on it. But, you get to say it, you get to explain yourself, and you get to argue your opinion. People don't have to agree with you.
dont forget the SPAM posts about how you can earn $1,000 a week working from home if you sign up here
Pretty sure "news" in quotes really means "beep-boop did not come from my tribe beep-boop".
Every single "news" outlet has become the opinion of the "experts" they employ there. Read enough of it from everywhere and figure out what you can for yourself.

Comments are usually just your average Joe's "expert" opinion on the other "expert's" opinion. Just like this post :D
Every single "news" outlet has become the opinion of the "experts" they employ there. Read enough of it from everywhere and figure out what you can for yourself.

Comments are usually just your average Joe's "expert" opinion on the other "expert's" opinion. Just like this post :D

Where are the facts, man!? With real news, I want facts. I'll come up with my own opinion. Or give facts, and then you're opinion/interpretation and how you came to it. Just blind opinion without stating all the facts is commonplace these days with the "news".
I think the primary reason comments are turned off are because people act like idiots and cannot have an adult conversation about an issue. Comments should never be disabled because people have a difference of opinion than the author. However, if you cannot be civil when discussing the differences, then it may be appropriate to take action.
I think the primary reason comments are turned off are because people act like idiots and cannot have an adult conversation about an issue. Comments should never be disabled because people have a difference of opinion than the author. However, if you cannot be civil when discussing the differences, then it may be appropriate to take action.

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bigdogchris 100% agree, and that does not apply to sites like this since this is a small dedicated community. Others like it, usually specific to niche topics also generally create a more sharing atmosphere. General news sites allowing all commentators, even moderated tend to drop to the lowest common denominator of basic human instincts. I rarely learn anything of value reading any comment about general news stories. This is especially true of political commentary.

Now [H] being a small community with a lot of long time users has informed me of things I did not know. The other forums I frequent regularly (cycling, photography and 3D printing related) also have taught me things beyond the blog posts and articles. But that is also a fundamental difference between a new age news site and an online community. There is no community at MSM or Alt-Media web sites.
Where are the facts, man!? With real news, I want facts. I'll come up with my own opinion. Or give facts, and then you're opinion/interpretation and how you came to it. Just blind opinion without stating all the facts is commonplace these days with the "news".
A lot of them do provide facts... carefully selected facts, but facts nonetheless.
A lot of them do provide facts... carefully selected facts, but facts nonetheless.

Only the facts that support their opinion. The other, possibly more important facts, are typically left out.
I usually just use Twitter with my actual picture and name and tell people to go fuck themselves. I usually get rebuttals back from shitters with fake names and a retarded comment.
its not just "news" sites. hell try to go to any gaming website.. pure vile also