Moving Work Units


Jun 5, 2004
I will apologize in advance because I am sure this has been covered, but I can't find it.

Ok, here is the deal. One of my boxen is still running Win98SE, which frankly is pissing me off. I would really like to blast the drive and install a Linux distro, but I don't want to lose my work unit that is in progress.

It seems when I tell to pause on finish, it doesn't upload until I unpause, then it dl's a new work unit.

So, what it boils down to is there a way to save my work unit and reinstall it after I reformat the machine or move it to another boxen?

Thanks for your help.
I don't think you can move a Windows wu to a Linux box.

When it finishes a wu and uploads then kill it. It'll have downloaded a new wu but not done much work on it. As long as it's not over 20% done (depending on the size of the wu) I kill them when I need too. If you watch it upload a finished wu then download a new one you can kill it then without losing anything.
Thanks for the quick reply.

So the way I understand this, the wu it is working on now is 140/1000 so I could safely kill and redo this boxen without any real problem since it is less than 20%?

I really would like to get this box moved to Linux over this long weekend while I am off for 4 days, so I hope that it won't be a big deal to kill it and load Linux.
If you're changing from Windows to Linux I don't think that a WU that has been started will transfer to a different OS.

What you might want to do is restart the current WU with the -oneunit flag. This will let the WU finish and automatically send it without downloading a new WU.

Then you can just install Linux and start over with a new WU.
eh, just wait until a lucky time when you're sitting at your computer and it's almost finished, once it's done reformat quick, the faster you are the less production time you lose ;)