Moving/Copying fonts in Vista


May 8, 2007
I run XP, but I have access to a machine running Vista that currently has some fonts we need to transfer over.
See, in XP it was a simple copy & paste job, no worries. But in Vista, that is not allowed.
Can someone please explain to me how to work around this?
Thank you.
Is there any other discussion on this topic located elsewhere that I could be directed to?
I was able to copy a few fonts just now, using the Copy To Folder option under Edit. You could copy them to another directory, and then move them to another computer.
Thanks Deacon, I've completed the transfer.
I was also trying to simply drag and drop, but wanted to be cautious considering that method could seriously screw things up in XP. Fortunately, the d&d method works in Vista, although it would only allow me to transfer a certain amount of files at one time, which after my first attempt made me simply think the d&d method didn't work either, but it does, just with minor limitations.
Thanks again for your help.