Moving and reactivating an OS later?


Jan 11, 2009
I have 2 instances of Win server 2008 on my disk (x86 and x64) that i was toying with for a while. They are legit copies I got through dreamspark (the 2nd is from my wife's account).

I want to get rid of these but still be able to install them later on a different machine without losing my licenses. Is this possible? Will I just have to call up MS and have them activate it for me or will my license deactivate itself? Thanks.
Never tried it myself but Google told me to pass this onto you

Go to "Windows/ServiceProfiles/NetworkService/AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/SoftwareLicensing"
Save the tokens.dat file wherever you want as it contains your Vista data activation

Of course once you have reinstalled your Vista the only thing you have to do is to put this file where you took it from and re-enter your key. I am pretty curious to know if anyone tried this hack out and if it works.

Am curious if it would work as well but could care less to try it :p