Most Memorable Moment In Gaming For You


Mar 15, 2006
Mine is either the entire ending of MGS3 especially when the boss dies or when I finally beat the emerald weapon in FF7, hit me up with yours.

I almost forgot, the entirety of the car hl2 level especially the deserted houses, something was unsettling yet peaceful about them.
Most recent probably the beginning of Episode 2 where the Hunter gets Alyx. Valve did a good job making you feel helpeless in that scene.
My party and I waking up and dying from poison on the day I was going to face Sarevok and beat Baldur's Gate.

Still haven't beaten the game to this day.
***** SPOILERS *****

I have a few, but one that always remained in my mind, was the end of the main story of Tribunal, expansion for Morrowind. I simply loved the story of Morrowind and Tribunal did an excellent job in continuing it. When I saw what happened to Sotha Sill, at the hands of Almalexia and her minions, my jaw dropped. I was really not expecting that and I even felt sorry for a video-game character, considering what we learned about him in the game.
Most memorable moment?

when i started Zelda: ocarina of time and i saw link in the great 3d. AWESOME!
When we found out what Mario's new costume was going to be, its a Raccoon tail!! , I still have the newspaper article , it was on the front page.:p
in hl2:ep3 when gordon dies at the end. still makes me teary eyed.

wait, that games still under nda? oops
Seeing my first glimpse of Super Mario 3 in The Wizard... for a young kid, it was an awe-inspiring moment.
When we found out what Mario's new costume was going to be, its a Raccoon tail!! , I still have the newspaper article , it was on the front page.:p

Yeah, I remember Mario and his raccoon tail all over the Nintendo news letters, did you ever get those? Old skool.

I'll never forget when I first completed Mario2 on the NES. I worked so hard on it, finally got to the end Boss and was down to my last couple of lives. Whole family was in the room watching to see if I could do it, no pressure or anything. Got it done. Great moment.
X-Wing Collector's Edition CD-Rom, played with the Gravis 3-button joystick. I was 11 or so, and the first time I was killed and had to watch my funeral at space, my coffin sent peacefully into space...

...I was devastated.
First time I played a shooter, Doom in DOS. OH MY GOD! :D :D :D

Holy crap did I really just blow that guy up with a rocket launcher?
I'd say it'd have to be when I first experienced 3D acceleration with a Riva TNT playing Quake II. I could tell right then that it wasn't going to be 'just a fad'.

Followed closely by when I played my first multiplayer game, a 1v1 modem game of the original Warcraft.
Chrono Trigger, when getting the green dream from Robo. The NPC conversation by the campfire made me feel as if the developers were honestly in love with the game they had created. I know I was.

A distant second would be when I played Gunz: the Duel. I went on a mission to purge a full server of K-Stylers, and succeeded. Topped the kills list that match, and only killed those who K-Styled.
When sephiroth kills aris in FF7 is probably the most memorable moment in any game i've played. Also, all of super mario 64, that is probably the best time i've ever had with a game overall, i remember it so fondly :p
Mine was when I hit the auto update button on Half-Life while on Dial up and 20 hours later (lol) I had this new game called Team Fortress Classic. I was curious so I quick joined a server and the first thing I saw was a Engy building a sentry gun. After that I was hooked! I played TFC for about 8-9 years until TF2 came out and now I play that. Hopefully Ill get another 10 years out of this game.
I was watching a friend play a hockey game on NES, and a fight started that had both benches and the referees in the fight.

Also, the guard in the beginning of HL2 that makes you pick up the can and throw it in the trash. His laugh is awesome (though he isn't laughing now).
Most memorable moment?

when i started Zelda: ocarina of time and i saw link in the great 3d. AWESOME!

Indeed. Just about everything in Ocarina of Time comes to mind : the Deku Tree, the gorons and zoras, the shadow temple... good times.
Tie Fighter: the mission where you have Darth himself in your squadron.

There are probably a few more but the one above immediately came to mind.
When Alis dies in Phantasy Star 4

The intro movie for FF8 and Chrono Cross are both memorable even though FF8 blew and Cross wasn't as good as Trigger.

Best part in FF7 for me was getting out of midgar for the first time and getting into the open world it made me want to scream out freedom braveheart style.
Indeed. Just about everything in Ocarina of Time comes to mind : the Deku Tree, the gorons and zoras, the shadow temple... good times.


Along with...

Quake II but never getting far because I was too young
Being excited about getting a '3D card'
Playing Halo 4 player on beaver/battle creek [cant remember which it is] for the 1st time.
Total Annihilation

The game I have the most memories of however is definitely Halo 2. I spent my whole life on that game for about a year. Its a shame that I'll probably never experience that again. Ranking up, clans, friends. The social side of it was great and I was pretty damn good at it.

Shame. *Nostalgia* :p
playing world of warcraft for the first time on its opening weekend. Getting on a gryphon and going WOW.

then raiding and progressing thru bwl in 3.5 weeks total from a server release. maybe it was 3 weeks, cant remember. i just know we had 40 raiders in 9 days.

Also mario 64 was unbelievable, iwas like, wow i want a n64.

the countless hours spent playing the original super smash brothers was also great.

oh and finally beating ultima underworld 2 and FF:Tactics was great!
FFT was sweet I had a army of 2swarded knights with tellaport that raped all.

But I wasn't a huge fan of the game towards the end becuase all of my characters sat the bench as soon as you get all the holy knights like Orlando.
Defeating Soulja in TEN's AMD PGL season 1 live finals in Seattle for the Red Alert final.

And then qualifying for PGL's season 3 or 4 live finals in NYC for Starcraft without ever practicing for it.

Both felt immeasurably great. The second was also very surprising for me.
The end of Legacy of the Ancients (C64 game)

Playing Doom without knowing anything about the game.

Actually I might be going through one of my most memorable moment with Stalker.. This game is amazing.

Oh yeah, my proudest accomplishment was finding "Created by Warren Robbinett". :D
then raiding and progressing thru bwl in 3.5 weeks total from a server release. maybe it was 3 weeks, cant remember. i just know we had 40 raiders in 9 days.

I remember when they released BWL. Lagwing Lair, Blackwing Lag, whatever you chose to call it, it was what finally prompted me to quit the game. I remember trying to do the first event and Vael with 20 second delays on spellcasting. I guess it's memorable for these reasons, in a retarded kind of way.
My moment was the end sequence of Doom-to get to the end of the game after may hours of dedicated fragging ,get up the steps of the temple and go into that dark room and then be assualted by an infinite number of baddies and no hope of getting out. Did not know should I Cry or Laugh.
Seriously, My most memorable moment was when logged onto an old school BBS and played TradeWars for the first time.

I have never had more fun with any game then I did with that game. It is a true propent for the "gameplay over graphics" arguement, seeing as how its text based
seeing omnislash in ff7 the first time

followed closly by seeing the true dragon sword double essence kill in the first ninja gaiden
I always remember blowing up a mountain in Duke3D and Duke going "Holy Shiiiiiiit"
Getting the 100 coin star on Hazy Maze Cave in Super Mario 64.


Those who remember will recall it being one of the most difficult accomplishments in gaming.
Without question the original Resident Evil on the PS waaaay back, when you 1st walk the Z hall and the dog jumps through the window...Bricks were shat.. That was 12 years ago now.

1st time I used the Bahamut ZERO summon in FF7...that was so epic I still get wood.

Seeing the 1st add for Total Annhiliation in a PCaccelerator Magazine.

Getting the staff that shoots the decapitating ricocheting disk in the 1st Unreal.
When I found a lightsaber in my dad's garage and I became a jedi. Oh wait that was Kyle Katarn.

Why hasn't anyone mentioned Superman 64?
It's all about Perfect Dark 64.

Rank 1 in multi-player
All missions under Perfect agent
All cheats
And over 13 days of multiplayer logged.

I still play it down at our lake house during the summer.

and it's predecessor Goldeneye 64.

btw, how was perfect dark for xbox360?
Playing Doom 2. My first fps ever and still my favorite genre.

Watching the animated cutscenes in WC2, then crapping myself over the teaser trailer for WC3.

Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Everything about that game was perfect. I want to start it over again and beat it.

The Spread Gun in the first Contra. Bad. Fucking. Ass.

Creating Nutsymptom. The greatest Dwarf ever to grace a WoW server. Then I guess the consequent 3 years raiding with my guild and being feared in battlegrounds. I quit in February when I got my first job out of college and still miss it, mostly for the people.

The first time I blew off a leg in Soldier of Fortune.

The first mission of Hidden and Dangerous. I'll never forget the panic when the guards came after me after I sniped the first patrolmen. That series is easily the most underrated series of games I know of.

Call of Duty: United Offensive multiplayer is still the best multiplayer I think I've ever played. Perfectly balanced vehicles and infantry...definitely better than any battlefield game.

So many...I guess thats enough for now though.
Most of Final Fantasy VII comes to mind, but I will always remember the Aeris twist...
FFVII: Aeris dying. Bitch had her staff loaded with my best Materia and it was gone forever!
Beating this with my has been the most epic RPG since FFIII(six) for me.

NES: Beating Legendary Wings with my brother. I've never played a scrolling shooter since that caused me so much frustration. Memorizing the assault patterns of the enemies through each level, then memorizing the sidescrolling maze(nothing like getting pinched by a dead end), and then memorizing the bosses attack sequences. (Getting Golden Wings(like a dragon form), and owning all.)

NES: Finally after weeks of playing I beat Ghouls and Ghosts with my brother(We switched off playing and coached method for eachother) and getting to the end and finding out that we had to "rescue" a bracer earlier in the game to actually free the princess. I fucking blew up that controller, I threw it so hard. I was 12.

NES: Gauntlet: Every time my brother and I reached the upper 90's in level, the power went out in our house. Three times. Once the whole block. We never played it again after was cursed. (My dad was present for one of those and agreed.)

Playstation: First game I ever played on it was Resident Evil 2. Hearing my dad, who was watching me and my brother play, scream like a little girl, "Shoot it, shoot it!" when a face-licker goes crawling past a window. That was truely priceless. Second in same game: Finding the rocket launcher as Claire and shooting the bigbad(william?) in the train station durring the bomb timer race and it went to a cutscene of her say,"Eat this motherfucker!" and instagibing him with one rocket.(I litterally didn't have to run to complete the time race because that fight was shortened so much.) The only proof I have is my brother saw it too. Nothing on the internet ever confirms it existed in the game and I couldn't recreate the cutscene.

Starfox: (Don't do this anymore) But...only being able to beat it on the hardest difficulty while...*clears throught* stoned. And sumarilly being treated to a whole bowl to myself for the accomplishment from my friends. -_- (And I beat it a second time right after with fewer deaths that time.)

Tiefighter: Darth Vader in your squad was indeed awsome...but it was 1) Killing a Nebula B Frigate(Things were stronger than a Stardestoyer.). 2) Achieving Dark Hand with the full tattoo. (To this day I still consider getting that put on my arm even though I have no tattoos.)

MMO: Playing my first MMO Everquest: Using my friends account w/his permission, dying and not being able to find his 50th lvl druids corpse. He was gone for the weekend and I knew nothing about Dark Knights summoning your corpse for you. (His corpse despawned.)

FPS: Playing Wolfenstein and beating the dual machine gunner. Then playing doom shareware to the ninth level and beating that. Then playing all of Doom to the bunny head on a pike. And playing Doom 2 to the end and shooting a rocket launcher into the brain of the demon skull and finishing the game. (Using noclipping to go look behind the brain and seeing some Dev's head on a pike.)

Gameboy:Metroid 2: Return of Samus: My brother and I screaming like little girls the first time a super metroid jumped out of nowhere and that horrid wailing music scorched our minds and fears into oblivion.(We were banned by our parents from playing in public because we would constantly scream out like that.)
SNES: Super Metroid: I cried when my little metroid sacrificed itself.(Only beat it on someone elses game, this game was stolen from me by crack smokers...really.)
NES: After having played the other metroids I went and playing the original for the first time. Two hours into playing I fell into an inescapable pit. Never looked back after I powered down the game.

Playstation; Coaching my brother and beating Metal Gear Solid... The psychic guy was insanely memorable. Most unique event I've ever encountered.

Halo: With my friends doing deathmatch and losing my mind over having been killed just before the match ended. I went rampaging around the room screaming and frothing about my "lossing the match" only to turn around and see the scoreboard: Bansin (me): 31kills to 3 deaths. To this day my friends bring it up. And to this day, I still can tell them I was the best halo player if in skill rather than manner. The reason for the frothing...I get extremely caught up in my success on a personal level. When I finally die it isn't that I was killed by someone else, but my entire platform of success crumbled because I made one mistake.