Morrowind & Oblivion coming to Steam!

There's a recent HardOCP thread on modding Morrowind here. For a walkthrough on how to mod Morrowind for 2009's computers, see Morrowind Expanded. A post I made about the install order for modding Oblivion is here. And finally, here are links to the extremely thorough Morrowind UESPwiki and Oblivion UESPWiki.

I wonder if the Steam versions will be compatible with the billions of mods made for them.
Awesome! Been waiting for this ever since Steam came out. And Dark Corners of the Earth, great game that never worked properly on my computer. Might have to give it a second chance.
Meh, I haven't been impressed with the Oblivion texture packs. The textures look like they were simply run through a basic sharpening or edge enhancing Photoshop filter instead of actually being improved upon. I'd be happy if someone could get the Oblivion up to speed with the Fallout 3 engine.
I never played Morrowind despite buying the deluxe DVD with MW and its 2 expansion games a few years ago. I liked Oblivion and most people think Morrowind was even better.
Meh, I haven't been impressed with the Oblivion texture packs. The textures look like they were simply run through a basic sharpening or edge enhancing Photoshop filter instead of actually being improved upon. I'd be happy if someone could get the Oblivion up to speed with the Fallout 3 engine.

How can you not be impressed with this?

And what do you mean by getting Oblivion up to speed with Fallout 3's engine? Just curious since they both use the same engine and I haven't seen many (if any) major improvements in Fallout 3 vs Oblivion.
How can you not be impressed with this?

And what do you mean by getting Oblivion up to speed with Fallout 3's engine? Just curious since they both use the same engine and I haven't seen many (if any) major improvements in Fallout 3 vs Oblivion.

honestly those textures screw withs ome of the graphics. Especially with the tiles on the buildings in the 2nd pics. Looks less like tile than the first one.

But im stoked to have both on steam soon too.
honestly those textures screw withs ome of the graphics. Especially with the tiles on the buildings in the 2nd pics. Looks less like tile than the first one.

But im stoked to have both on steam soon too.

Thats not tile, thats stone. It shouldnt look like tile :p (I'm not sure why the roof has stone, but thats the texture it is..)

I'm glad to see these on Steam, makes it a lot easier so I can pack away my discs to keep them safe.
Meh, I haven't been impressed with the Oblivion texture packs. The textures look like they were simply run through a basic sharpening or edge enhancing Photoshop filter instead of actually being improved upon. I'd be happy if someone could get the Oblivion up to speed with the Fallout 3 engine.

Looks like an improvement to me.
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Meh, I haven't been impressed with the Oblivion texture packs. The textures look like they were simply run through a basic sharpening or edge enhancing Photoshop filter instead of actually being improved upon. I'd be happy if someone could get the Oblivion up to speed with the Fallout 3 engine.







Looks like an improvement to me.

Whoa thats wierd , made a double post on an edit.....don't know how that happened.
I never played Morrowind despite buying the deluxe DVD with MW and its 2 expansion games a few years ago. I liked Oblivion and most people think Morrowind was even better.
Morrowind is better than Oblivion, I can't start to think about how much time I spent playing it.
Alright, goddammit. You peeps are making me reinstall Oblivion. I hope you're happy. :mad:
There's a recent HardOCP thread on modding Morrowind here. For a walkthrough on how to mod Morrowind for 2009's computers, see Morrowind Expanded. A post I made about the install order for modding Oblivion is here. And finally, here are links to the extremely thorough Morrowind UESPwiki and Oblivion UESPWiki.

I wonder if the Steam versions will be compatible with the billions of mods made for them.

Excellent. I've been meaning to go back and reinstall Morrowind.

If we already have Morrowind and Oblivion, can we use those legit copies to activate them on Steam? So Steam will download and install, and we don't have to worry about installing via CD and CD checks when we start the game? I have a feeling I would have to buy new copies from steam. :(

I haven't played Morrowind on PC, only played it on xbox. I must say, the gameplay/feel of the game was 10x better then playing Oblivion, even modded. Oblivion just feels so small compared to Morrowind. :-(

Maybe I will give Morrowind another shot and mod the fuck out of it!
I am happy because of Morrowind, I lent out my GOTY edition of that never to see it again and it is very hard to find in stores. Oblivion I wasn't a huge fan of and Call of Cthulu I always wanted to try.
Downloading Morrowind GOTY and Oblivion GOTY + Official Plugins now.

Does anyone know what happened with that Morroblivion thing? :p
Country restrictions, I can't see the games..... dammit.

No, they just aren't actually available yet. Announcement was posted on a few pages prematurely, and pulled. Not pulled from all pages yet, though. I'd expect something maybe for the weekend, or next week.
We'll see, I won't be surprised if I can't actually purchase them though. I also can't see Prey, any Civilization games, and a couple others on Steam.
If we already have Morrowind and Oblivion, can we use those legit copies to activate them on Steam? So Steam will download and install, and we don't have to worry about installing via CD and CD checks when we start the game? I have a feeling I would have to buy new copies from steam. :(

I don't see how, since neither Oblivion or Morrowind have CD keys.

PS, huge kudos to Bethesda for no CD keys! :D
So....just installed Morrowind GOTY, Bloodmoon and Tribunal. Opened the game up before I did mods etc and I get this...

Chunk size 10 too big in chunk WEAT_ID in form REGN_ID.
Max size is 8, data truncated to "
Region 'Felsaad Coast Region' Weather Chances do not total 100 percent.

Then, it crashes. :-(

Any ideas yo?

Edit: Google is cool...

"This is caused by the order you have installed your game."

Install order is Morrowind > Tribunal > Bloodmoon.
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Ah both are great games. I just have so many games I want to play or replay soon. These two are definitely high on that list.
Oblivion and morrowind are both FAIL. Daggerfall is ftw.

Daggerfall was fantastic in it's day, but is pales in comparison now.

This is awesome, I'll be looking forward to picking up a new copy of Morrowind and the expansions. Any idea if we'll be able to buy expansions separately? I have already Oblivion, but none of the expansions.
Will there be any problems using old Oblivion mods on a Steam version? I ask because I tried modding Stalker on Steam without it working (saves would be corrupted).
There's a recent HardOCP thread on modding Morrowind here. For a walkthrough on how to mod Morrowind for 2009's computers, see Morrowind Expanded. A post I made about the install order for modding Oblivion is here. And finally, here are links to the extremely thorough Morrowind UESPwiki and Oblivion UESPWiki.

I wonder if the Steam versions will be compatible with the billions of mods made for them.

Thank you for that Morrowind Expanded link! After I go back and complete Shivering Isles, I'm going to try and tackle the updated Morrowind + expansions.

Time to break out the "old video game" box!
Yeah, it's definitely important to find out if these games work with Mods... because if not... well, the originals are good, but they are 10x better with the right mods.

Edit: And I can see and purchase them where I live! Good job Bethesda/Steam!
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Bethesda wouldn't be foolish enough to make these unmoddable. It's possible there may be issues with the script extenders or the graphics extenders, but I'd also guess it'll all be gravy.
Yeah that's what I mean.... to get these games fully modded, you need one or two extra .exe's running, I think one which you usually start the game with... Script extender I think.