More info on Abit AW9D-MAX

Thanks for the info I've been looking for more. I heard the non max ver. might be released earlier. I hope so I'm just waiting for this board before I build my system.
regarding 2 x16 slots, as I've never had a board with 2...Do you have to put a videocard in the top most slot by default when you only run 1 card, or can you run it in the bottom most without problems?
Great find, thanks for posting the link.

Could Abit have stopped sucking? Looks promising for sure.
In the 'what motherboard poll' thread around here, a few of these folks said they ordered one of these, and one said he's using one.

Where are these for sale? I thought they weren't out yet.
AppaYipYip said:
If it was SLi compatible, I'd buy it.
I think that you will find that it is with hacked drivers or if nVidia come out with official support on Intel chipsets (& that moved closer when AMD bought ATi).
If it's like the AW8D it will actually come with an SLI bridge as part of the bundle ...
AppaYipYip said:
If it was SLi compatible, I'd buy it.
Every motherboard with two full-length PCI-Express slots and at least 8x bandwidth is SLI or Crossfire compatible. It's just a matter of what the manufacturer is allowing in their drivers. You can hack the nVidia and ATI driver to allow XF/SLI on any dual-PCIe motherboard in existance.
Ahh, I couldn't wait...I went and got the ASUS P5B deluxe wifi here (good price:)


The SAME DAY I ordered it the price is now:

Still a good price compared to newegg.

Looks like they really underpriced that sucka...I'm glad I got it when I did.
These come out in the middle of Sept.

No one on Xtremesystems have them yet, so I doubt they are available...unless a website has a demo.
The Fatal1ty version seems pointless....

More fans = more noise

Red PCB and red LEDs = who is meaner! LOL

I bet this board will cost $50 more than the MAX version too.. *rolls eyes*

Plus you will have to wait an additional month.

No thanks...bring on the MAX! :D
coolaler on XS has the board (acutally a pre-release Version) and it's nice :D

@price -
The fatal1ty has only 4 SATA ports, 3 less than the MAX and the single Heatpipe Cooling (MAX has dual Heatpipes) but comes with 2 NICs ...

Feature wise it looks like a mix of MAX and non-MAX + some fans ...

It "shouldn't" be more expensive than the MAX :rolleyes:
oozish said:
Thanks for the info I've been looking for more. I heard the non max ver. might be released earlier. I hope so I'm just waiting for this board before I build my system.

ZZF has the non max ones in stock... I am debating on trying it without any reviews. I dont think I need more than 4 SATA ports and the ESATA I doubt I will ever use.
450MHz FSB with zero mods and no increase in MCH? :eek: :eek: :eek:

Looks like Abit has another IC7 on their hands. WEEEE!!! :D
btw I was wrong on the non max ones. I was looking at the wrong model. I wonder how much they are going to run at street prices.

I honestly can't believe I am considering an abit board since the last one I had was amd Tbird and had no end of problems with getting it stable at even stock speeds.

New ones look good though. I guess everyone deserves a second look eventually.
ouch thats crazy talk. It seems like not long ago when people balked at 150 dollar motherboards and these things keep getting more and more expensive.

The thing better make me toast for that kinda money.