More fans then the biebs


Aug 1, 2010
(Not a Justin Bieber fan in anyway, just thought the title would be funny) Here is the my gaming computer rig i just built in the last week. it has 15 fans inside 8 intake and 7 exhaust, I have a amd 955 running at 3.9 stable(though it can run at 4.1 stable aswell). The case Im using is a haf932, video cards are the sapphire vapor 5850's oc'd to 875 core and 1050 memory, 4gigs of dual channel ram. Im using the H50 in the pushpull config and it sits at 40c idle and 50 when running prime95 for awhile(is this too high? seems so to me but, amd says under 60 is alright) and if there is anything the pictures cant explain just ask :D

cardboard ducting, it isnt pretty but it doesnt work and you cant see it really

Custom airfilters for the drive covers did the same with the fan cover below

and the inside

here you can see 8 fans, 2 80mm and 6 120mm's

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I clicked on this thread to see some fans and saw one.

The Bieb is not amused. :mad: