monster dvi cable


[H]F Junkie
Dec 30, 2001
ok i have the dell 20.1 inch lcd. and i'm using the dvi cable that came with it.

would i see a difference going to the monster dvi cable?
not asking if its worth the money but if i would see a difference even if its small.
Ah, the good old once a month Monster Cable questions. Filter, do you have any idea what you started?? LOL

I see a difference, I use them on all my DVI monitors and HD TV sets. Many will tell you there is no difference, and perhaps they really can’t see it.

I see sharper edges, deeper color and more detail. I know when I replaced the stock cable and went to recalibrate my monitor the settings changed significantly. I put the old cable back on, which by the way did give a nice picture and re-ran the calibration machine. Again, it changed back to the old settings. Once I had changed back and forth a few times the differences became very apparent.

All I can tell you is try one. Many stores actually have “loaner” cables, you pay for it, try it out and if you like it you bring their cable back for a new sealed one.

Don’t just do a one-time swap to make your decision, try it for a day or two then go back to the old one. I think you will be surprised….or not ;)
Digital is digital, its just sending bits so it is impossible for their to be a difference.With analoge cables their is a bit of a difference but even that is based more on cable lengths than anything else.
qbert95 said:
Digital is digital, its just sending bits so it is impossible for their to be a difference.With analoge cables their is a bit of a difference but even that is based more on cable lengths than anything else.

Before you spew more ignorance around the form please take a few moments to learn something.

Mr. Google is your friend, honest. Try typing this into Google:

“digital signal propagation”

Or take this simple quiz”

I only suggested he try the cable, I don’t try to match wits with engineers who design this stuff. But, I do attend the schools and try to learn.

I also try not to make statements that have no basis in fact.
qbert95 said:
Digital is digital, its just sending bits so it is impossible for their to be a difference.With analoge cables their is a bit of a difference but even that is based more on cable lengths than anything else.

i know for a fact that not all cables are created equally.

i was just wondering if it made a slight difference.
have any reccomendations of a store that might have a loaner cable?
I bought the cable and notice a picture difference because my resolution is so large and my monitors needs a 2m cable to reach my tower. It does make a difference, especially around a computer where there is a ton of interference.
lol.. How many of these "dvi cable thread" do you have..... BiIIIR is right about once in month about Dvi cable question... I dont think this will ever stop..

I know i started a thread about this... ;) when i joined.. :D
Trancify said:
lol.. How many of these "dvi cable thread" do you have..... BiIIIR is right about once in month about Dvi cable question... I dont think this will ever stop..

I know i started a thread about this... ;) when i joined.. :D

well i dont frequent this part of the [H] very much and really didnt feel like doing a search for it. and it will proablbly never stop.
Filter said:
well i dont frequent this part of the [H] very much and really didnt feel like doing a search for it. and it will proablbly never stop.

No problem at all my friend. You asked a good and valid question, there is never anything wrong with that.

Every thread in every forum has its “trigger” questions. Most people here are reasonable and will try to help or at least offer an opinion or suggestion..It’s why we are here.

Enjoy your new cable, what ever it may be :D
Just to clear a few noobie's mistakes above, yes, better cables make a difference. The "Digital is Digital" answer is quite funny. This guy should read all the forum threads about HDD Rounded cables and their affect on data transfer rates and signal strength.

Now that being said, better cables may or may not improve your video image. It really depends upon a lot of factors (such as length of the cable, any "noise" near the cable - from power or even the PC, etc).

The difference some people might see, is the fact that the information sent over the so called "better" cables, contains less noise that can corrupt the image (washed out colors, etc). Of course both your Video Card and Monitor have ways to compensate for these problems (adjust the color depth on the card or the monitor). So the "better" cable just provides a cleaner signal between the two devices. The same can be said for Higher quality HDD Rounded Cables, as well as better Network cables.

In my opinion, its pointless to spend Thousands of dollars on High end LCD monitors, and the graphic cards to run them, and then worry about spending $50-$100 on a high quality cable to connect the two.

Bottom line is, if your not happy with the purchase, just return the cable. It's not like the stores wont refund your money if your not happy with the purchase.
What about Component cables. Do those matter???? Dont know if the gold plated ones that TWC gave me are any better than the ones at bluejeancables. Does anyone know??
darktiger said:
What about Component cables. Do those matter???? Dont know if the gold plated ones that TWC gave me are any better than the ones at bluejeancables. Does anyone know??

The gold plating is a nice touch but not any indication of cable quality. I’m not at all familiar with the cables you mentioned so I have no way of knowing if they are “good or bad”. If you live in a Time Warner area the 1/8” cables they supply are like the ones you usually get as freebees with cheap audio gear so I’m guessing just about any “better” after market cable would be an improvement.

You will find that better cables are marked with directional arrows; this is because copper wire is in fact directional. Signals flow better in one direction then another. Other things that matter are the type of copper; again “OFC” is a nice touch but not the final determination of what’s good.

If you “Google” this subject and spend an hour or so researching you might be surprised at how much research is still being done as to the “whys” and “hows” of why different cable reacts the way it does, and how critical even little things like how the wire is terminated is important.

After that it’s all about cost effectiveness and what benefits you, the end user.
So, I'm looking to get an lcd moniter that uses dvi. What would you guys suggest getting becasue I haven't really researched this topic at all. I didn't really know it was an issue.
Thats what I always say....

Why would you spend literally thousands of dollars on a high-end LCD and Video Card, and then connect the two with a cable you could probably get at Walmart for $2.99 ?????

That is idiotic and n00bish in my opinion. ;)
logicality12 said:
So, I'm looking to get an lcd moniter that uses dvi. What would you guys suggest getting becasue I haven't really researched this topic at all. I didn't really know it was an issue.

The last time we visited this subject Monster was the choice if for no other reason then they are one of the few who makes a specialized cable in this format. Truth is it was meant for HD TV, it just happens to work for our use as well.

My suggestion is, buy one, try it for a few days, then put the old cable on and see if you see enough difference to justify it to your needs. Don't forget to calibrate your new LCD, almost no one does.

Are the HDTV and LCD DVI cables both the same? I assume they are, just making sure.

I would love to try before I buy, as $50+ for a cable is expensive if I cant tell the difference.

edit, reading the above post tells me it does work for LCD's.
Bill: Nvidia gives out a free calibration software to adjust the contrast, brightness etc., is that good enough for calibration software?
Happy Hopping said:
Bill: Nvidia gives out a free calibration software to adjust the contrast, brightness etc., is that good enough for calibration software?

It’s certainly better then no calibration for sure. It will at least get you in the ball park.
nweibley said:
No seriously, they are really good cables!

I know where you come up w/ those fly by night. You did a yahoo search under DVI cable, and listed in the top 10, there they are.