Monitor What's Installed/Active Across Network


Supreme [H]ardness
Nov 7, 2007
Basically have a SMB network with some remote locations.

I'd love to be able to monitor what is installed at all these machines.

How can I do this? I don't want some of this spy software that does anything, I just want something behind the scenes that can tell me what's going onto company machines. If anything like LimeWire crops up, I know to go install it.


Also something that I can point to a "reporting server" would be good, that way I can setup the remote clients the same way, and open the ports on the router to the server.
Spiceworks is supposed to do exactly what you are wanting. I tried using it on my network of about 40 pc's though and it only identified a couple computers/devices. However, I am not in a domain environment. That could be the problem. For it to search the computers, if I remember correctly, you have to have administrative rights.
Spiceworks is supposed to do exactly what you are wanting. I tried using it on my network of about 40 pc's though and it only identified a couple computers/devices. However, I am not in a domain environment. That could be the problem. For it to search the computers, if I remember correctly, you have to have administrative rights.

Correct ... so either setup a domain, or make a service account on all of the computers.