Monitor/TV switching during boot


Limp Gawd
Jan 23, 2011
Hello HF-Folk's
I got an odd situation at hand and hope you ppl can help me out with it , bc it realy annoys
the hell out of me.

I got a dell monitor via displayport and a TV via HDMI hooked to my GPU. Monitor is listed as main and TV as secondary display.Now when turn on my PC it switches first do the TV
then when Windows loads to the main monitor . Thing is it takes awefully long , specially during the 1st turn on. How can i fix this?
Any video card behavior before Windows and the video driver takes over is handled by the video BIOS. There really isn't any configuration to be done, its just automatically firing up the HDMI before DP.
so why does it take so long ...specially when my TV is off
another thing since i deinstalled my asus suite and configed all via bios startup takes extra long although ive have opted quick boot
It sounds like you might have some motherboard BIOS options set incorrectly. Also is the BIOS up to date? You might have uninstalled an Asus fastboot related utility.

What OS are you on? 7 or 8.1? Are you using secure boot? Need some detail.
1.Yes it is update
2. how would that be possible if bios still shows fast boot ?
3. Win7/64
4.not using secure boot