Monitor supports 2048x1536, but shows less


Limp Gawd
Sep 29, 2004
I have a Dell P1130, the max resolution is 2048*1536 @ 75hz. I can go into the CCC and i can pick 2048*1536 @ 75hz and it runs that fine on my desktop. However in any game the highest the game menu shows is 1800*1440, even when i change the launch options in steam or the registry options in another game to 2048*1536 @60hz it just defaults it back down to a lower res. Is there anything I can do to get this baby running in 2048*1536 in games?

If it helps to clarify, when i was using the control panel the highest supported it would show is 1800*1440, but if i click show unsupported resolutions, then i can pick 2048*1536, and it works fine. But in CCC i can already pick 2048*1536.
Gavinni said:
If it helps to clarify, when i was using the control panel the highest supported it would show is 1800*1440, but if i click show unsupported resolutions, then i can pick 2048*1536, and it works fine. But in CCC i can already pick 2048*1536.

You just answered your own question. Resolution > 1800 mode = not supported.

Remember, just because your PC will run a resolution (Hell, I have a mode of 960 x 540 programmed on mine) that does not mean it is supported by a game. i.e. you might like 1280 x 1024 more than 1280 x 960 (True 4:3) but most games will support one OR the other of these resolution options, but not both.
I've run HL2 in 2048x1536@75Hz. I haven't done it in a while though. Actually I haven't run it at all in a while lol. I played it a bit at 2304x1440 after I got my Sony 24" CRT, but having already finished it I got interested in something else and forgot about my second play through. Unfortunately I can't take a screen shot at 2304x1440. The game instantly crashes every time I try. Or at least it did 6 months ago.

At any rate, different games have different max screen sizes. Part of it's up to the game developer, and part is up to Microsoft & the card vendors. For example, DirectX 7 doesn't support horizontal resolutions over 2048. Period. That's it. 2304x1440 won't work. Neither will surround mode on a Parhelia unless you're running in 1920x480 (three screens at 640x480).
Yes however that isnt my problem, there is several reviews showing 2048x1536 supported in quake 4 and HL2, my problem is my monitor only shows up as 1800*1440 max in my control panel, when infact if i click show unsupported resolutions, i can pick 2048*1536 and it works fine.
Go to where you change your resolutions, change it from 1800x whatever to 2048x1536, see if icons actually get smaller and if they do, see if the text is legible.

Sony E200 monitors aren't rated to go over 1600x1200 but they sure as hell will; up to 1835x1392, but when you actually use it I can't tell the difference while I have great vision.
where did you get this monitor at (Dell P1130)? I've been looking everywhere for it but i can't find it anywhere locally.
Got it for free from my dads office about a year ago, they were just giving them away so i snagged one before they cleared out. Best free thing ive ever gotten =d