Monitor Problem.

Feb 15, 2009
I just bought a new monitor and reformatted my PC with a fresh copy of windows 7 pro 32bit. The monitor works great and is currently running at 1920 x 1080 with a refresh rate at 60Hz. I also have another monitor running at 1440 x 900 in dual monitor setup as extended display.

When I get off for the night and hit the Windows key + L to lock my PC. When I get back on the next day I log in with my password and when it accepts the password the screen just goes blank and nothing coming ups. I tried ctrl+alt+del and nothing comes up. I tried unplugging the monitor and plugging it back in and nothing happens. The only way to fix this problem is to restart my PC then everything works fine. I updated my video card driver to this date and it still didn't fix the problem.

Any ideas?

Comp Specs

Windows 7 Pro 32bit
Gigabyte Motherboard
4G Memory (stock clock)
AMD Phenom x4 (stock clock)
Multiple hard drives
700W PSU
How are you setting up the display? Are you using windows to do it or the nvidia control panel? The only thing I can think if is you're PC is possibly going into low power standby or hibernate and it's not detecting it on the resume.

It's REALLY strange that unplugging it and plugging it back in doesn't fix anything. Have you tried changing it from a extended to a clone and see if it happens the same/ or tried setting it to clone then reverting?