Modern Warfare 2 Debut Teaser Trailer


Sep 30, 2005
The first MW2 trailer has come out. See it here:

This guy over at the forums (link below) took a lot of screenies and captured a lot of detail. I would recommend reading everything he mentions because he not only caught, but noticed many things. This is definitely a fight against terrorism in both the US and South America (Brazil). Even though I only have an internal PC speaker here at work the sounds are amazing!

The game is set for release on November 10th. It will drop the Call of Duty name and it will just be called "Modern Warfare 2". Enjoy!!
that trailer is a piece of crap
i hate teaser trailers :mad:

the second link is broken
This one won't have the COD name. They are dropping it.

At first it seems the trailer doesn't show anything, but go ahead and follow the thread link and you will see tons of info on there. This guy took it frame by frame. IW was very clever.
Ohh ohh the trailer hints at a Modern Warfare 3. Towards the end, there's a "3" off to the right. :eek: Yeah, got nothing from that vid, other than the game is coming soon.
Thanks for posting. Awesome video. Love all the stuff they gave away, but in a clever way. I just love these kinds of teases.

No more COD on the MW!
Did you guys see that screenie on the thread that showed some of the perks?
One seemed stopping power
Another one feet with wings? maybe a faster running perk
Another possibly an anti knife measure? had two knives
last one no one could tell....
I'm at work so I can't view the links. I want to know, will it have SP Co-Op? If not, then this game is a waste.
The trailer reveals nothing but a release date.

However, I am pumped. I've been a COD fan since the original came out in 2003. I guess this means I'll lose another few hundred hours of my life.
I guess you haven't watched the trailer, nor checked out the clip by clip breakdowns all over the next showing the trailer has a bunch of details?:rolleyes:

are you for real? geez!!!
it shows nothing!! :rolleyes:
I guess 90% of the games out there are a waste. :rolleyes:

I guess you haven't watched the trailer, nor checked out the clip by clip breakdowns all over the next showing the trailer has a bunch of details?:rolleyes:

Nice spin there Top Man.:rolleyes:
Wow.. the squiggly lines look amazing in this trailer. I hope my rig is up for it. I hear that squiggly lines take a lot of power to render like that. But the plot looks AWESOME! Squiggly lines and audio. I think its the next FF7 in terms of revolutionary gameplay.
I'm looking forward to the game, but the trailer is terrible. It tells you and shows you nothing other than the expected date of the game's release.
after watching this i think ill wait until the 1.2 patch comes out before i even think of buying it...
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare was a fairly solid title even during its initial release version. It wasn't perfect of course, but these things never are.
You know when you do a fresh OS install, and try to play a video before installing any codec packs and you get audio with some WMP visualization? Yeah... that's particularly inspiring to some... apparently.

:rolleyes: ftw!
I liked the trailer.

There. I said it.

It was exactly what is should be: a teaser.
What a retarded trailer. I watched 30 seconds and realized that's all I'm gonna see and said 'fuck this'.
Please guys stop saying that the trailer reveals nothing if you haven't checked out the thread above. It actually reveals a LOT of detail.

All that link reveals is some random guy's fucking commentary.:rolleyes:
His commentary does help see many hidden things. Others also found additional details.
I watched the trailer. It's very "MEH".. I just only hope they will have some innovative stuff in that upcoming game!
You kind of remind me of some tin-foil hat person.

o'really? you don't say. lol. If people actually bothered reading the posts over at IW we wouldn't be having the "WTF...this trailer doesn't reveal anything" comments.
The trailer sucks because it shows me nothing of the gameplay experience I can hopefully expect to see in the final game. All that does is tell me a little bit about the games single player story line from the look of it. That doesn't mean shit to me. I want to see what the game is going to look like and what if any improvements there are between this installment and the first Modern Warefare game.

Give it a rest. No jerkwad, ball gargler on another site is going to convince me he is the know-it-all about what the game is really about.:rolleyes:

The trailer only reveals one thing. 11-10-09....
Haha, that link is hilarious. The majority of his "findings" start off with him saying some form of "And I feel this part..."

Yea, because you're personal opinion means something.

Trailer is worthless, get over it.