Modern Warfare 2: 360 matchmaking quality question...


Sep 5, 2001
Is anybody else experiencing a lot of matchmaking issues with Modern Warfare 2?

Dropping people out of our lobby when it goes to merge, starting games and dropping people, annoying things like that. It was so bad tonight, that I was about to turn the box of completely when it finally cooperated and let us play 'Ground War' with all 7 of our party intact.

It's normally so bad that we have to drop and rejoin 10-15 times just to get everybody included and able to wait for a game to start. We call it the 'matchmaking' game, and it doesn't seem tied to any one playlist or number of party members. It just happens.

Wondering if anybody else has what they'd consider an abnormal amount of that going on?
It also sucks at matching levels for balance also. A team deathmatch comprised of a team of level 20's against a team of some lvl 50 prestige and level 60's. Nice balancing Infinity Ward!

I've also had a ton of these problems as of late with the PS3 version too, failing to merge lobbies etc.
I have noticed that the game seems to throw straight up jungle predators and people still wearing their baby shoes into the same meat grinder...

I thought that they had issued a patch for the PS3 that supposedly fixed the issues on that platform, but if you're experiencing the same issues, then I really don't know what to think. It's really a weird thing, it will drop us and we will have to rejoin 7 or 8 times and then suddenly all of us will be in, and it will just run like a top for as long as that lobby doesn't close.

I would wager that if I play for two hours on a given night, that we easily spend 30 minutes wasting time dicking with trying to get the entire party in one freaking playlist. If the game decides to drop people when the match starts, that's even more annoying. I always look at how many players are listed as online, but there seems to be no correlation between that number and if the 'party dropping' issue is occurring or not.

Besides Cod4, we've never had a game do this type of thing with any type of the frequency that this one does. I wouldn't call it the most annoying thing ever, but the more it happens, the more annoyed I get at it, and it's seriously going to cause me to shelf the damn thing until the issue is addressed.
i think ive only had a couple of host migrations on the ps3 only due to the hosts lag, other than that no other problems apart from 1-2 games where im in a team of level 15s and were competing against level 50 odds. We still kicked their butts though!!
Ooooh yes. This noise. I've had a hell of an ordeal trying to keep a party of four together so I can only begin to fathom your pain, Kahnvex.
i think ive only had a couple of host migrations on the ps3 only due to the hosts lag, other than that no other problems apart from 1-2 games where im in a team of level 15s and were competing against level 50 odds. We still kicked their butts though!!

This. No issues other than a host migration for sure. I have had a VERY solid experience. Granted, I am only at level 35, but I have quite a bit of time in. I mostly play the larger games with 18 peeps in the room.

They do need to do a better job matchmaking similar ranks though.
i think ive only had a couple of host migrations on the ps3 only due to the hosts lag, other than that no other problems apart from 1-2 games where im in a team of level 15s and were competing against level 50 odds. We still kicked their butts though!!

No problems joining games though? No lobby issues?
Tip: If a player in your party fails to join the game lobby, you need to back out to the main menu and remake the party. Otherwise it'll show them still in your party when they are not.
I've had a few issues with lobbies and dropping people. Most of my issues have been with lag in the game though. I started to pay attention and I've been getting killed by lag way too many times. I'll drop 5 or 6 shots into someone center mass and die. Watch the replay and I don't get off a shot on their end.

I've also really started to hate how badly the weapons are setup. The M16 should not be a lot more powerful then the m4. The 50 cal barret should be pretty much a one shot kill.
I've had a few issues with lobbies and dropping people. Most of my issues have been with lag in the game though. I started to pay attention and I've been getting killed by lag way too many times. I'll drop 5 or 6 shots into someone center mass and die. Watch the replay and I don't get off a shot on their end.

I've also really started to hate how badly the weapons are setup. The M16 should not be a lot more powerful then the m4. The 50 cal barret should be pretty much a one shot kill.

The lag seems to be fairly ridiculous in this. I'm not one to cry lag kill very often, and as I do most of my online multiplayer through XBL I'm accustomed to a certain lowered standard, especially in the CoD series. More often than not, I get killed after I've already cleared a corner. On my screen I've run completely out of view. On the kill cam, they've got me dead on the entire time.

if thats not a lag kill then I don't know what is.

If I get started on the two-shot sniper rifle topic, I'll derail the entire thread.
Admittingly, the lag for PC got much worse once quantities were sold in other countries. It would be nice to have a matchmaking "system" instead of straight-up matchmaking. I also changed my latency bars, by default each bar represents 100ms which is pretty pointless; Open steam\steamapps\common\call of duty modern warfare 2\players\config_mp.cfg and change the following values to this:

seta cg_ScoresPing_Interval "45"
seta cg_ScoresPing_MaxBars "5"
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The lag seems to be fairly ridiculous in this. I'm not one to cry lag kill very often, and as I do most of my online multiplayer through XBL I'm accustomed to a certain lowered standard, especially in the CoD series. More often than not, I get killed after I've already cleared a corner. On my screen I've run completely out of view. On the kill cam, they've got me dead on the entire time.

if thats not a lag kill then I don't know what is.

If I get started on the two-shot sniper rifle topic, I'll derail the entire thread.

Yea that happens to me a lot. That or I get killed and don't see the person that shot me at all. Replay shows them in the clear. Same issues come up with knife kills. Get a good swing at someone to get mowed down with a machine gun with the game registering a miss.

Since this is a thread about issues with the game(be it about the match making) I say go for the sniper comments.

I should say as far as the match making goes when I didn't play online for a while because of Assassins Creed 2. When I started I was in matched with people in the 30's and 40s with my level as like 1, 2, etc. I will say I did get a bunch of marks for most kills of people in a higher class.
Ok, in COD4 one of my favorite things to do was counter snipe. It was a lot of fun to find where someone was camping and blow them out of their hole. Especially if they were cross map.

In MW2 it seems like they had something against snipers in general. The weapons are underpowered for one. Sure a head shot, at a reasonable distance is still good for a one shot kill, but depending on how far you are away, the damage reduces to the point where even if you ping someone between the eyes they don't go down until you hit them again.

Even with FMJ, and Stopping Power, most of the time at a moderate distance, an upper chest shot is not good enough to drop someone.

Equip a silencer, and now you have gun that engages in tickle fights with the enemy. On the stats it shows that your 'range' decreases, but since the range is obviously tied to the damage model it makes it so that even if you have stopping power equipped you have to "two shot" everyone who isn't stepping directly on top of you. Even head shots aren't guaranteed one-shot kills with the sniper/silencer.

The only thing that saves my ass is that they gave shotguns a "hand of god" power-up in this game, and I can have it as my secondary all the time.

I don't expect to one shot kill everybody who lazily wonders in front of my cross hairs, because I know an imbalanced sniper class can ruin a game, but if somebody is standing stock still and I hit them in the neck with a .408 from the intervention, that should paint the walls, regardless of distance.
I've just gotten an Xbox and only bought Forza 3, but rented COD6 for the free live weekend. I played a small amount online because my level 1 guy constantly paired up w/ level 50 rooms. After leveling up to 3 and still getting rampaged by hi level's, I gave up.

Shouldn't it be matching me w/ other single digit wonders?

Apart from this, I had a blast and will probably pick it up soon.
I've just gotten an Xbox and only bought Forza 3, but rented COD6 for the free live weekend. I played a small amount online because my level 1 guy constantly paired up w/ level 50 rooms. After leveling up to 3 and still getting rampaged by hi level's, I gave up.

Shouldn't it be matching me w/ other single digit wonders?

Apart from this, I had a blast and will probably pick it up soon.

It is a really fun game at it's core, once you find a play list you like and get some friends going. I always advise playing some free for all for your first 5 or 6 levels. Then you can unlock create-a-class and have a blast.

It doesn't seem to match skill levels in any capacity that I've seen. My level 60 friends and I were consistently paired with level 60 prestigers this evening and they were ungodly good.
I've also really started to hate how badly the weapons are setup. The M16 should not be a lot more powerful then the m4. The 50 cal barret should be pretty much a one shot kill.

But the M16 IS more powerful than an M4.