Modding X800 XL for high OC...


Limp Gawd
Jul 16, 2001
I need some information on modding my X800 XL as high as possible of air. Does anyone have experiance with or know where I can go to get lots of info. I was thinking of maybe putting this heat sync on it. And heat spreaders everywhere. Does anyone know of a better copper heat syco to put on it that I could use maybe a 80 mm fan on?
rage3d has all the serious ati o/cers
probably get some ideas there, if you wanna volt mod etc..

that should get you started.
Also, I've found more useful info on XtremeSystems for ATI cards than on Rage3d lately. Rage's forums seem kinda slow with updates and new posts/replies lately...not sure what's going on with that....maybe people just aren't as active there??

I put the mods in place on my card using smt pots, but as of yet haven't messed with them since I'd like to upgrade the cooling first. stock w/o mods my card will hit around 455/570 artifact free. Not the greatest...but at least it's something. :p

hell,...running it stock for awhile anyway because it's just heaven compared to my 9600xt I used to have :D