MMORPG that doesn't require guild/clan


Sep 1, 2004
What's a good MMORPG where you don't HAVE to rely on a guild or clan like WoW. In WoW you almost absolutely have to be part of a team to advance or get anywhere in the game. I want a game where I can be mostly solo or just one other partner. Any suggestions guys?
Diablo 2. Granted its not a MMO persay but its has a huge following still after all these years. But yeah you can pretty much finish the game on your own if you a got a pretty decked out character.
What's a good MMORPG where you don't HAVE to rely on a guild or clan like WoW. In WoW you almost absolutely have to be part of a team to advance or get anywhere in the game. I want a game where I can be mostly solo or just one other partner. Any suggestions guys?

im in a guild yes... but our guild only runs 10 man dungeons

as for 25 mans im in pickup groups and have no issue clearing through stuff

that being said i dont think you really need a guild...
Guild Wars, despite the name. I put in 800+ hours of very enjoyable solo play on that game, and never had to group or PVP with anybody. You can buy the Guild Wars Trilogy and the Eye of the North expansion all for $47 on and never pay a monthly subscription, and the GuildWiki has awesome writeups for every part of the game. Play the Nightfall portion first, so you get access to the heroes (which are much more powerful than the henchmen).
It depends what you want out of the game, particularly the endgame. But, without getting additional detail, I'll suggest LotRO as the current most solo-friendly MMO. There is an insane amount of solo content in the game, and endgame even contains 3-man dungeons. It's quite easy to solo to max level purely through quests, and obtain decent (though not the best) gear through crafting. However, LotRO is a decidedly casual, PVE-oriented game, and its endgame content is mostly 6-man dungeons (with a few 12-man raids for the ultimate gear). The PVP is an afterthought, and the PVE is nowhere near as complex as WoW's. Yet it is reasonably polished, packed with content, and quite satisfying for your casual PVE fix.

The upcoming Star Wars: The Old Republic looks to be very solo-friendly as well, as there is a distinct lack of archetypal RPG classes like tanks and healers, meaning each class will probably be balanced to be self-sufficient.

On a side note, in case you were considering it, I just quit Aion after playing for 2 months and twinking out my level 50. Definitely not solo-friendly. While you *can* grind to 50 on your own, soloing is begging to be ganked, and the game is clearly designed around group and mass-scale PVP. A duo would fare better, but the game is also extremely grindy and lacks content.
Well with the 3.3 update coming out for WoW, u will be able to use the Cross server looking for group tool, so getting a pickup group for instances should be alot easier, so really a guild isnt required like it use to be pre WoTLK, heck even in BC yolu didnt really need one to advance.
I have plenty of blues and purples and have never belonged to a guild. Plenty of battlegrounds and lots of PVP have geared me up quite nicely. I occasionally group instances, but for the most part you don't need to be in a guild to get decent gear.
Guild Wars, despite the name. I put in 800+ hours of very enjoyable solo play on that game, and never had to group or PVP with anybody. You can buy the Guild Wars Trilogy and the Eye of the North expansion all for $47 on and never pay a monthly subscription, and the GuildWiki has awesome writeups for every part of the game. Play the Nightfall portion first, so you get access to the heroes (which are much more powerful than the henchmen).

I second Guild Wars. Although, I played a lot with a 'team' for pvp.
Which WOW are you playing? From what I remember, you don't really need to be in a guild until you hit the endgame - you can plow through everything up to the level cap soloing and running with PUGs.
Which WOW are you playing? From what I remember, you don't really need to be in a guild until you hit the endgame - you can plow through everything up to the level cap soloing and running with PUGs.

The WOW where the game doesn't start until endgame. There's people who are satisfied with 'decent' gear by just grinding BG's and getting badges. There's also people who want to do 25 mans and do arenas for the absolute best gear. Then of course there's the people who've played for years and haven't hit the level cap.
WoW you can solo to 80 if you wish, and even after that (and during the trip) you can look for pick-up groups.

WAR is best with a guild, however, there's a lot of stuff you can do without one including massive PVP raids.

Champions Online is great solo fun, and you can group up when you want. You don't need a supergroup except for the highest level raid content

Fallen Earth... not sure.
Pretty much doesn't exist.

Thats the whole point of an MMO, you play along side lots of other people and need to gang together to fight a common enemy.

Any game that requires decent teamwork is completely rubbish when joining unorganized public groups, thats why clans form in the first place.

If you're willing to put up with the hastle of public groups then go ahead and play any MMO without a clan the experience is going to be equally bad across the board.
Guild Wars, despite the name. I put in 800+ hours of very enjoyable solo play on that game, and never had to group or PVP with anybody. You can buy the Guild Wars Trilogy and the Eye of the North expansion all for $47 on and never pay a monthly subscription, and the GuildWiki has awesome writeups for every part of the game. Play the Nightfall portion first, so you get access to the heroes (which are much more powerful than the henchmen).

800+ hours? That is pathetic..
LotRO's pretty good for soloing. There are 3-man endgame dungeons, too, so as long as you can make a couple of friends you can do some endgame stuff.

That said, I've really enjoyed being in my guild in that game. It does feel a little lonely when I'm playing on an un-guilded alt.

You can pick-up group the whole way through. If you like, you can select a class that excels in solo-play as well if you don't want to group.

There isn't much benefit to clans(supergroups) aside from the social factors. Merely optional conveniences.
Well with the 3.3 update coming out for WoW, u will be able to use the Cross server looking for group tool, so getting a pickup group for instances should be alot easier, so really a guild isnt required like it use to be pre WoTLK, heck even in BC yolu didnt really need one to advance.

This is true, but experience tells me that this will only lead to more headaches in unexperienced pugs. Most of the high end dungeons take time and dedication to learn which you probably won't find in cross server pugs.
In WoW you almost absolutely have to be part of a team to advance or get anywhere in the game.

Not true. I've gotten quite a few characters to lvl70 (was the cap at the time) without being in a guild/clan.
Not true. I've gotten quite a few characters to lvl70 (was the cap at the time) without being in a guild/clan.

Getting to the cap is the start of the game. Like I said earlier, some people are fine with just 'getting capped' and thinking they're done. But 90% of the content was geared towards capped characters and they required groups.
800+ hours? That is pathetic..

the game has been out for 4 years. Im pretty sure if ut2k4 wasnt dead here in NZ i would have the same amount of hours easy. I havent played it online in about 2 years and i had 500 hours on xfire :)
Thanks for the advice guys, I just picked up Guild Wars from Steam, I'm also going to try out LoTrO.
If you decide you like LotRO, pm me for a buddy key so you can get $9.99/month pricing. ($9.99/month is available to new subs as part of the Mirkwood promo deal right now, but I don't know if it'll persist after today.)
Thanks for the advice guys, I just picked up Guild Wars from Steam, I'm also going to try out LoTrO.

I have been interested in LOTRO but have not had the spare cash. Guild Wars is great for just soloing. I beat all of Prophecies solo (played since beta) and the AI NPC's have come a LONG way as far as controls and usefulness, not perfect but playable. EoTN is a good expansion. Had not had the time to beat it but its mostly dungeon clearing and such. Very challenging solo but still fun.
I have never played an MMO where I HAD to be in a guild. Not sure what the OP is wanting.
Guild Wars, despite the name. I put in 800+ hours of very enjoyable solo play on that game, and never had to group or PVP with anybody. You can buy the Guild Wars Trilogy and the Eye of the North expansion all for $47 on and never pay a monthly subscription, and the GuildWiki has awesome writeups for every part of the game. Play the Nightfall portion first, so you get access to the heroes (which are much more powerful than the henchmen).

THIS! GW is incredible. I have logged close to 900 hours. It's in my top 3 games of all time. Seriously.
the game has been out for 4 years. Im pretty sure if ut2k4 wasnt dead here in NZ i would have the same amount of hours easy. I havent played it online in about 2 years and i had 500 hours on xfire :)

I bet he was being sarcastic since WoW measures in days ;). People now days probably have multiple toons with atleast 100+ days played on each.
WoW is cakewalk to solo yourself up until level caps, 80 as an example, then i you want nicer gear you need to run raids with others
I bet he was being sarcastic since WoW measures in days ;). People now days probably have multiple toons with atleast 100+ days played on each.

I wasn't being sarcastic. I never played WoW, but I did put in over 350 days played on EQ1, so 800 hours on Guild Wars was a few months' walk in the park for me.
This is true, but experience tells me that this will only lead to more headaches in unexperienced pugs. Most of the high end dungeons take time and dedication to learn which you probably won't find in cross server pugs.

Point Well taken, i can see alot of greifing/ninja antics because of this too.
WoW is super-solo friendly until you cap your level and get the best soloable gear in the game. After that a guild is pretty much required. So it depends on how long you take to get that far in the game. I played back when there was only one expansion and it took me 5 weeks to cap my level and a couple more to get the best gear I could get. This was with no prior WoW experience. Other people I knew could hit level 60 in a week when the game first came out, so it can be done even faster than I did.
I'm not sure what you guys are thinking of, but you can get to 80 in WoW without a clan easily, unless you're expecting to be rushed through everything or carried. Personally, I got a Priest and DK to 80 without a guilds help, my friend leveled a Mage and Warlock to 70 and a Paladin to 66, also without a guild.

Once you hit 80, get in some heroics (which are all pug'd). From there, buy conquest gear. Skip right past Ulduar unless there's something you *need* and get into some pug 10man ToC's and Onyxia runs. You *really* don't have to have a guild; even in endgame.
not EVE online lol

Actually, Eve is the best there is for this. Some of the richest people in the game aren't where they are because of a corporation. You can do well enough that average players will be in awe at how little concern you have for spending hundreds of millions of isk. You can PvP anywhere you want if you're good enough. FacWar will at least let you experience fleet battles, although cap fleets etc is something you'll likely miss out on without a corp. Regardless, that's a teeny tiny portion of the game, so unless that's what you sign up for you don't really miss out on anything not being in a corp. Everyone says "get in a player corp!", which is good advice, but mainly because you'll have someone to make floating in the empty blackness less boring :p
Actually, Eve is the best there is for this. Some of the richest people in the game aren't where they are because of a corporation. You can do well enough that average players will be in awe at how little concern you have for spending hundreds of millions of isk. You can PvP anywhere you want if you're good enough. FacWar will at least let you experience fleet battles, although cap fleets etc is something you'll likely miss out on without a corp. Regardless, that's a teeny tiny portion of the game, so unless that's what you sign up for you don't really miss out on anything not being in a corp. Everyone says "get in a player corp!", which is good advice, but mainly because you'll have someone to make floating in the empty blackness less boring :p

I know its soloable, but its much much easier to have someone/corp that can kinda guide you through some of it, i mean at least to start.
I can see what you're saying, I guess. But you can get a lot of that from the starting corps, as long as you don't go *asking* for it :p Just get involved, ask for help with things that fall outside the tutorial, and you'll do well. I think some people get into the game thinking it'll be straightforward like other MMO's, and they get blindsided by the fact that it's meant to be a much slower-paced game.
Yeah man you most definitely dont have to be part of a guild in WoW. I have toons in a guild, I have toons not in a guild. Its no more difficult to get to 80 outside of a guild than it is inside one. I am only in the guild for some sort of social interaction with people that I "get to know"in the game, although even then, I regularly talk to people not in my guild. Unless you are the hardcore raiding type, there is zero need for a guild. You can get into some very nice gear just doing the daily dungeons and pvping, along with some PUGing. Gearscore is dumb and pointless, but to illustrate my point I have a toon that has never been in a guild, and never gotten guild help, with a 4600GS. Thats not amazing, but is definitely respectable.