Minnesota/Twin Citie Gamers?

I live in Vadnais Heights, MN (just a bit north of St. Paul). I'd be up for some gaming, but I am kind of limited until I get my new comp up and running in a couple of months. Just add me to the list when you guys get something organized next time....
I'm just outside of the UofM campus. Haven't gone to a lan in a while, but it might be nice to get back into the swing of things. Let me know when you guys get something together, I'll try to check it out.
Guys I got Doom3 last night from GameStop! I then took work off today to play. That game ROCKS! I'm getting an average of about 55 - 63 FPS; I thought the game was capped at 60 FPS but it appears as though it isn't. Im running the game at max settings wtih the in game settings at Ultra Quality. This game dominates!!!!!
Rock on dude! :D

I won't get my copy till Thursday or Friday, but I don't really have the time to play right now anyway. Thankfully the weekend is coming up and I have nothing planned... ;)
wtburnette said:
Rock on dude! :D

I won't get my copy till Thursday or Friday, but I don't really have the time to play right now anyway. Thankfully the weekend is coming up and I have nothing planned... ;)

You will love this game man! It seriously dominates. Let us know what FPS you get. To access the console press "Ctrl + Alt + ~" and then type in com_showfps 1. That should show the FPS up in the corner. I have a bunch of other command lines if you want them.

Well I'm off to play some more. :)
since everyone is looking for a Minneapolis LAN party...
The next LAN there is going be in August 21st i think, sign ups aren't up yet but they will in a week or 2 :)

I've been going to the ZG LAN partys since Jan. 2004. They used to be every month but they don't have as much time... So its going to be every other month.
Thanks dude, might have to look into that. I've only ever played small LAN parties, but it might be fun to go to a larger one sometime... ;)

I missed this thread somehow.

I'm over in White Bear (boy) Lake.

Should have Doom3 on my door when I get home. Ordering parts for an upgrade tomorrow. :)

When we lan we usually play UT2004 and BFV. I don't really like BFV that much and would rather play DC or Rise of Nations or something even some old skool stuff like Q1/2/3.
Jake said:

I missed this thread somehow.

I'm over in White Bear (boy) Lake.

Should have Doom3 on my door when I get home. Ordering parts for an upgrade tomorrow. :)

When we lan we usually play UT2004 and BFV. I don't really like BFV that much and would rather play DC or Rise of Nations or something even some old skool stuff like Q1/2/3.

Hey Jake,

Doom3 is a good game; to much hype as far as I'm concerned. I beat the game so I won't go any futher; I'll let you form your own opinion. However don't form your opinion until you have beaten the game; you'll understand what I mean when you come to that point.

There is a lan party going down the 1st weekend in September. If you are interested you can PM me your email addy and I'll add you to my distrobution list.

At my last lan at my place wtburnette and a few other of us had a lot of fun! WE played UT2004 for about 12 hours. LOL... It was great fun!!
whoa. This thread as been growing :) Hello everyone.

Is Doom 3 multiplayer? I haven't gotten it yet, but heard it was limited to 4 players or no mutliplayer at all.... some co-op might be fun with the right game.
So when are we all going to get together to do a big [H] MN lan? I wanna see jake's car in person, I don't think the pics quite do it justice:D
My Doom3 finally arrived, so I'll be playing it all weekend... :D

So far I like it really well. My monitor is dying and that detracts from the immersion (I have lines going diagonally across the screen), but otherwise it's pretty cool and definitely creepy! I'd love to try the multi on the next LAN just to see how it goes. Between that and UT2004, we should have plenty to keep us busy. I'm not any good at it, but I also have Q3A if anyone is interested in playing it. Never liked it compared to UT, but I'm up for any FPS more of less... ;)
wtburnette said:
My Doom3 finally arrived, so I'll be playing it all weekend... :D

So far I like it really well. My monitor is dying and that detracts from the immersion (I have lines going diagonally across the screen), but otherwise it's pretty cool and definitely creepy! I'd love to try the multi on the next LAN just to see how it goes. Between that and UT2004, we should have plenty to keep us busy. I'm not any good at it, but I also have Q3A if anyone is interested in playing it. Never liked it compared to UT, but I'm up for any FPS more of less... ;)

Well the next lan is tenatively scheduled for the 1st weekend in September. I'm not sure of where yet. That detail needs to be worked out yet. I'll keep everyone posted and those that I have email addresses for you'll be on the list.

wtburnette what up man!!
Rick James - YGPM
Hell by September I might have my whole rig upgraded! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

hehe thanks Scotty, you can't exactly hear it over the intarweb either.

Right now the lan party is scheduled for September 4th at my place again. Jake I send the invite to your email addy man.

If anyone else wants to join PM me your email addy and I'll forward you the info.
Got the email and several guys' replies.

AFAIK my schedule is clear so I think I can be there.
just wondering, what is the average age of you guys?

I was at one a few years back out at someone's place in the Maple Grove area (off of [h] I think) and I was plenty older than everyone else. Like I was drinking age and they were just getting driver's license age.

I'm 24 btw.
Jake said:
just wondering, what is the average age of you guys?

I was at one a few years back out at someone's place in the Maple Grove area (off of [h] I think) and I was plenty older than everyone else. Like I was drinking age and they were just getting driver's license age.

I'm 24 btw.

I'm 22 and the rest of the guys are 25 - 30.
god damnit, where were you people a year ago when I lived in mpls. :mad:
Hey jake

is this the lan party that you sent me?

BTW i am 30 :)
I might have sent you this figgie, I don't know. so much stuff going on.

Wanna head down there since it is close by you?
Yo Rick James beotch, I have 6 - 8 folding chairs that I will bring with. I can leave them with the tables if you want. I can't wait to spank SmokinU and Trigger.
Hom@R said:
Yo Rick James beotch, I have 6 - 8 folding chairs that I will bring with. I can leave them with the tables if you want. I can't wait to spank SmokinU and Trigger.

Hey Hom@r you little candy a$$. Yeah that'd be great if you could bring those chairs. I downloaded a WW2 mod for UT204 and it's pretty nice. I'll show you once i get into work.
ww2 for ut2004, uhh Red Orchestra? if so that mod is badass
Did the Nazis and Commies play CTF in WWII? No, it is point control, capturing areas etc. Quite fun, different classes & weapons
Jake said:
Did the Nazis and Commies play CTF in WWII? No, it is point control, capturing areas etc. Quite fun, different classes & weapons

LOL... Good point. Maybe we can check this out at hte lan. I played it some this morning and it seemed to be pretty cool. Good graphics.
Hello, another MN person here. Well, actually, only during the school year. The rest of the year I reside at home in MI.

Anyways, wtburnette, you may recognize me by my name from the days back over at AXP, which we've all abandoned now for better places.

A little about myself. I'm a 20 (21 in less than a month) senior in college. I'm also a reviewer at www.fastlanehw.com. I'm down here in New Ulm, but a drive up to the area of the cities wouldn't be a problem for me. I consider that a short drive.

I've only been to one real LAN party. The other one I went to was at a friends house long ago and was very disorganized. I should be at a LAN in PA right now, but from school, it's too long of a drive. From home in MI, it's not bad, only an 11 hour drive.

So, I'd be up for an occasional LAN party, time permitting and permitting I can get time off from work, as I work the weekends and have just been promoted to supervisor over all the college students who work there.