microstutter in crossfire


Feb 9, 2010
When I had my 5970 I had pretty bad microstutter. I switched to a 7970 and it has been much smoother. I am thinking about buying a R9 280x to crossfire with my 7970 for BF4 and other games. Has this new frame rate pacing solved the microstutter problems that AMD has in the past?

If anyone has a R9 280X crossfired with a 7970, do you see any microstutter?
The issue was fixed months ago. If you check out H's 290X crossfire review, it shows Crossfire being smoother than SLI now.
The issue was fixed months ago. If you check out H's 290X crossfire review, it shows Crossfire being smoother than SLI now.

Not quite the same thing. The R9-290 and R9-290X handle crossfire differently so you can't draw conclusions for the OP's question from that review.

That being said, there have been drivers available since early August with frame pacing that work with a specific criteria:

Up to 2560x1600
Single display only
DX10 and up

DX9, multi-monitor and other high resolution displays are still waiting for the "phase 2" drivers.
You can also cap the fps, that takes care of most situations I know of even before frame placing was introduced. (ie: RadeonPro)
I used an EDID driver to force 110Hz over my Vizio 32" m321i-A2.
No stutter with my 280x/7950 combo and Vsync now caps fps at 110. Pretty neat. Looks a lot more crisp with fast movement. It works very well.