Microsoft's Very First Web Page, Back In 1994

I first had Net access through a local college in '87-88.

I don't remember the exact year, but I was using Archie to locate an update to NetHack/Angband and saw this 'thing' in the new files directory called a Browser. Downloaded it and was playing with it, but at that time there were all of 15-20 webpages total across the net. I had every one written out longhand on a notebook page because the Browser didn't yet have bookmarking or homepage features.

Really didn't see that much use for it at the time, but it was 'cute'. :eek:
Today, if I hit 100 webpages a day, it is a slow day.
I remember the first time I used the world wide web. It was in the library at college during the winter of 1995. I was researching Boolean Algebra for a mid-term and, with not much available in the way of printed books, I fired up one of their 486 computers with Win95 and full-color SVGA monitor. Yahoo returned a bunch of results that helped me find the info I was after. I was instantly hooked.

Damn, I spent a shitload of time on those computers in that library for the remainder of college...all I had at home was a hand-me-down 8088 XT with 1024K RAM, 20MB HDD, 360K 5.25" and 1.44MB 3.5" FDDs, monochrome adapter and monitor, and DOS 6.22 with an old Okidata dot matrix printer.

Thanks for posting this. I enjoyed the walk down Memory Lane. :)
I fondly remember dialing into the university's GOPHER system in '93 with a 28.8K modem to play MUDs like Valhalla and Carrion Fields. When Everquest, Ultima Online, and Meridian 51 came out, I thought adding graphics to MMO's took the genre a step backward, and still do.