Microsoft Outlook Help


Jul 12, 2003
So I'm having some problems with Outlook today. I get this error message when trying to recieve my mail

Task "xxx - Reciving" reported error (0x8004210A) : 'The operation timed out waiting for a response from the recieving (POP) server. If you continue to recieve this message, contact your server admin or Internet service provider.

I'm currently downloading SP2 for outlook and I guess I will see of that works I'm currently running SP1 so maybe that's the issue. Well if anyone knows how to fix this let me know if the update does not work :-D. Thanks.
Your incoming mail server is inaccessible.

Wait a couple hours, or call your ISP.
Not possable, Works on my other 2 computers going to the same Mail server. but this computer won't work
yeah not looking like it sending either. I was able to go onto outlook on 1 of my other computers going to the same mail server and I was able to send and recieve my mail. But on this computer I'm not able to send or recieve mail. Not sure why, the last message I recieved wasa on 1-1-06
I have Outlook 2003 SP2. I just updaed today for SP2. But the computer that I was able to send and recieve because of this one not working was just the normal Outlook 2003. The other computer that is running on the same mail server is outlook SP2.

I don't understand why all of the sudden its not working when it was working 2 days ago.
if your using AVG disable the email scanner and give it a try. it stops my server sometimes.
well I'm going to restat because I just updated to SP2 so I will see if that does anything. I did how ever find something in Microsofts knowlege data base of what to do. So I'll try that. They say to remove my user accounts and then readd them. because its doing it for both email accounts I have I know it not having any problems and I know my one isn't either because I have it running on my biz computer and I'm able to send and recieve lol. I also ran it on the computer next to me and I was able to get messages. humm....brb
Turning off the antispam didn't do anything, still can't send or recieve lol. Oh I love Microsoft products :-D
TSWG00 said:
well I'm going to restat because I just updated to SP2 so I will see if that does anything. I did how ever find something in Microsofts knowlege data base of what to do. So I'll try that. They say to remove my user accounts and then readd them. because its doing it for both email accounts I have I know it not having any problems and I know my one isn't either because I have it running on my biz computer and I'm able to send and recieve lol. I also ran it on the computer next to me and I was able to get messages. humm....brb

The link that I found re: NIS

Good luck...
I'm using Norton Internet Security 2005 and Linksys's Internal Firewall
I'd say that's overkill, and I'd just stick with the software as opposed to both that and the hardware. What are your other machines running? I assume they're using the Linksys firewall as well...

I might suggest turning off Norton, and seeing if you can get your e-mail, and vice versa, but this sounds like a firewall issue.
Well now the damn outlook won't end its process. I keep hitting end process in the task manager but nothing grrrrr......
other 1 is running NIS 2004 behind the linksys firewall and the other is running NIS 2006 behind the linksys firewall both work just fine. My lappy just seems to be having a problem with Outlook 2003. All of them are alos using Outlook 2003.

My laptop was working just fine it worked sunday. And I didn't try to to get my email yesterday so I don't know what the probelm is.
I have turned off the Norton Antispam and I still can't send or recieve messages. and I have 2 outlook.exe's in my processes and they will not close either lol. this just keeps getting better and better
Slippery said:
Do a "detect and repair" install from the install disk.
That's what I was thinking of doing next. It will not delete the folders I have in outlook will it? along with the emails i have saved in my outlook folder?
Well, I can't guarantee it, but it doesn't change my install or lose any mail, address book info when I run the repair.
Also, I use a third party "backup program" available from the Microsoft Office download site ( If you struggle with it a bit, you can save your entire "pst" folder somewhere other than the default. Useful for reinstalls, moving to another computer or hard drive or other catastrophe.
well its not letting me repair office it keeps erroring out grrr....
OK, well, you can use that backup program to save your "pst" folder somewhere and then uninstall and reinstall. I would also "export" your "pst" folder to another place in case the backup fails. After you reinstall clean you can import it back.
doens't matter when doing an install i get a message saying i'm missing ZF561407.CAB grrrr lol this is becoming a pain in the ass
Well even after uninstalling MS Office 2003 Outlook 2003 still isn't working. I guess the next task will be to uninstall NIS 2005 like Microsoft said to do GRRR and if that doesn't work I don't knwo what the crap to do.
Still no luck but I don't think I should have to reinstall NIS 2005 because it was working 3 days ago GRRR stupid crap
You might try bypassing your router and connecting directly to your modem for another test.

I know the others work fine with it, but different systems yield different results.
But why Would it work 2 days ago and then all of the sudden not work? That does not make sense to me because I have not changed or updated anything. I did how ever update my NIS 2005. I mean Microsoft said to uninstall NIS and then reinstall it but that just seems like a pin in the ass to me. Uninstall, reboot, reinstall reboot, update, reboot,.....I don't understand why it would work 2 days ago and then just stop working. It has done it before and i just restared and everything was fine.
Interesting I disabled my NIS firewall and everything works now. Humm.....
Well going to uninstall and reinstall and see if that fixes things. humm.... Lets hope this works cuz with its firewall settings turned off everything works. Lets hope it will
Well I did not do a damn thing just restared and oh guess what Outlook Works now. So yeah Thanks everyone for your help.
Hey, don't think I wasn't sitting here in my lab mixing magic potions all night for nothing!
DigitalMP said:
Hey, don't think I wasn't sitting here in my lab mixing magic potions all night for nothing!

Yeah well I have kinda of fixed the problem I just turn off the firewall and then turn it back on and poof like magic it works. I guess sometime I'll uninstall NIS 05 and reinstall it and see if that works. Its not that much of a pain right now to turn off the firewall and turn it back on for now anyway lol. its weird once I just turn it off and back on Outlook works just fine and can send and recieve weird.

Has anyone else run into this type of problem before? if so what did you do to resolve this issue
Ditch Norton! It's a resource hog to no end, not to mention the things it does to try and help you, which end up being counterproductive at best.

Check the stickies in here for a good firewall (ZA, Kerio, Outpost) as well as as AV (AVG free/NOD)