Microsoft FingerPrint Reader $9 - $9 MIR Office Depot

Does anybody know any way to get this to work with such wonderful things as PuTTy and TrueCrypt?
Yes, you need a $50 program called Softex OmniPass 4.0.

The previous versions do not work with non-MS programs.

I've got mine working with GAIM and PuTTy using 4.0.
Finger print scanners are not secure. 2 major issues being:

1) If you get a paper cut, you're screwed
2) They can be defeated using gelatin and a transparancy

Your best bet is still long/obscure passwords.
Darth Millennial said:
Biometrics along with another form of authetication is the best. Two forms are better than one.

Agreed. However, from my experience most people want a fingerprint reader to replace having to remember passwords. This practice is less secure than just using a good password.

biometrics < good password < biometrics + good password
I remember all my passwords, I just don't care to type them in everytime.

Edit: Paper cut? The software lets you use any of your 10 fingers, as long as you program them in.

Me? I used the same finger (right index) for 7 of the fingers, I then used my two other fingers AND ONE TOE.
Stupid OD website... it says out of stock, but when I went to the store, they had at least 10 of them sitting on the shelf. The shelf says they are $49, with no mention of a rebate.
However, they ring up at $9.99 at the register.

Hey it's free, so if I don't like it, I lose nothing really.
So i got this fingerprint reader, it works perfectly with IE and other microsoft software but it doesn;t work at all with firefox which SUCKS! :(

when it comes to rebate there isn't any! That was computer error (rebate info) so the price is $9.99 however since on the shelf it said that this reader is free after rebate OD menager offered me a deal - instant rebate!! so i got it for free (without any rebates :) )

OD rocks! :D
I found an extension which allows u to use this reader with Firefox :D
works for me ;)
You can get it here
I purchased a couple of these today and I love the heck out of them... I think its a great deal!! ;)
Just checking, but did everyone else get the rebate form for the extra $9? If not I will scan the form in.
The rebate form didn't print out when I bought the scanner, but I grabber a copy from

In other news, is there a way to have autologin in Windows and just use the scanner for websites? I turn my computer on in the morning for other people to use, and it's more convienient to boot right to the desktop instead of halting at the login screen.
Yeah, I got the same "not available in your area" from their website, but I went to the store and they had them there. I didn't ask about a rebate from them, and they didn't offer. Anyhow...

$10 MIR form here...

Form says not available at OfficeMax, but doesn't say anything about OfficeDepot. Not a bad new toy for free. :)
I picked some up today! While I was there I got a decent first aid kit too.
Biometric + KeyFile for TrueCrypt parition with my SSH DSA keys stored on it = pretty good protection. All I have to do is wipe out the KeyFile(s) and the data on the partition is unrecoverable (esp. when combined with a slack-space and free-space wipe).

And no password required for PuTTy when the volume is mounted :-D. Win-win.
bish0r said:

Did you go to an actual store and confirm that this is true? The website said the same thing to me but there were plenty on the shelves.
My local Office Depot showed none in stock....went by and they had 5 on the shelf. I picked up 3 and it rang up $30......with no rebate forms. Got hold of the store manager who somehow knew how to pull up the rebate forms off the store computer. :rolleyes:

$30 in rebates = 3 free readers :cool: