Microsoft Apologizes for Cashback Glitches

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Microsoft has issued an apology for the problems with its cashback program on Black Friday. In addition, the company is in the process of going back to make sure the proper cash back amount is credited to those that had issues.

"We deeply regret customer inconvenience with respect to the outage," Microsoft said in a statement provided to CNET News. "The spike in traffic in combination with a technical glitch led to the outage. The promotion will restart in the next day or so. Again, we apologize for our customers' inconvenience."

At least they apologized and are fixing it. No harm no foul!
Affected me... took me nearly an hour to get logged into some of the E-stores via Live.
Missed out on the 40% back from HP site, was NEVER able to get in and purchase. Over and over again that OOPS! page. They should do the offer again and run on servers that can handle the load. Do they think it is a woot-off or something?
Maybe they need to swap servers because the servers hosting the "Oops!" page were taking just as much of a beating yet they were online all day.
I bought two of the 1.5tb seagates from using the cashback system from and it worked, but it took the next day for it to show up. Now I just have to wait the 60 days to claim the money.
Pretty classy. I could name a "rival" company that would've blamed it on anything other than their own fault :rolleyes:
I was also effected by this. Glad they are getting it sorted out though. As long as I am not out of my $120 I should be getting back I will be happy.
Pretty classy. I could name a "rival" company that would've blamed it on anything other than their own fault :rolleyes:

Actually this would have never happened to that rival company as they are far better at everything and would have never had a problem like this happen to them. :D
i'm pretty pissed off about this actually as i was going to purchase home+student 07 for 69.99 at checkout the price kept reading 179.99 or something like that.

i passed, open office it is... though i still must use outlook for my winMo 6.1 phone.... blimey!
I think the HP 40% cashback problems were deliberate. I was able to take advantage of cashback from other sources but HP. Really pissed as I had a great system configured and ready to buy.:mad:
Your fanboy is showing.

LOL, if that wasn't a pot-kettle comment, I don't know what was. Actually, smacked more of the honest truth as much as anything else. Took me a few hours of trying to finally get logged in enough to check mine.
Missed out on the 40% back from HP site, was NEVER able to get in and purchase. Over and over again that OOPS! page. They should do the offer again and run on servers that can handle the load. Do they think it is a woot-off or something?

Agreed. Do it again.
I still can't log in to get my pending moola from 60 days ago. This is about as bad as the Xbox 360 issues about a year ago on Live.