Microsoft announces Xbox 360 Price!

ryanmule is yet again denying an obvious truth about Nintendo in an effort to make Microsoft look bad.

Color me surprised. There are at least four people here telling you you're wrong and that they distinctly remember prices going up to $69.99.
I knew once I posted I'd be sucked in. :p

Who cares about N64? It's not really that relevant. Cartridges back in the day, before everything memory was cheap as hell, had to physically have more guts for the big games. Some even had special chips for features. I remember my strider game for genesis had a big old "8 Meg" emblem on the box, when several were 4. Towards the end of those systems, games were like 32 megs. This played part of the demise of cartridges in general.

I remember a $100 genesis game(virtua racing)... who cares? It's all OT.
I hear ya. Was just getting sick of the N64 stuffs. The peripherals got nutty too. Flame on! :p

Neo geo games were $200. Thank God that won't happen again. Does MS set prices? I guess they're saying hey we raised royalties! Justifying prices by N64 is like I dunno, justifying MS's HD decision on Mad Catz controllers or something! :p
pagoon said:
I love console !!!!!!s. Always pointing fingers and trying to support an inferior product.

Pc's will always be more powerful because they can be upgraded and configured specifically each type of game. By the time X360 comes out, the pc graphics card will be twice as fast and have more powerful graphics rendering.

If you love playing football and rpgs, the console is a nice system for you. If you like first person shooters and action games, then PC's win. Mouse + keyboard > gamepad.
so, in 4 months?

i never heard of someone configuring a computer for a specific game type. they all seem to be configured for uber graphics.
Of course there are. Look at how many people went out and upgraded their hardware just for Doom 3 or Half Life 2.
Genocidal[v2] said:
Of course there are. Look at how many people went out and upgraded their hardware just for Doom 3 or Half Life 2.
did you miss the second part of my post?
Very few games in the early 90s were $60+. There were a handful ever but people try to make it sound like all games were that price. There were not.
ryanrule said:
so, in 4 months?

i never heard of someone configuring a computer for a specific game type. they all seem to be configured for uber graphics.

Graphic profiles (at least with nvidia) allow you to tweak the settings to allow you to either get great performance or great visualizations.
pagoon said:
Graphic profiles (at least with nvidia) allow you to tweak the settings to allow you to either get great performance or great visualizations.
oh that. console devs to that for you (usually)
I think the latest post at Penny Arcade accurately describes the move made by Microsoft.

I'm copying the whole text for those too lazy to click a link... ;)

Here is the comic.

Reactions to the Xbox 360 pricing have been all over the place, most of what I've seen is bad, but at the end of the day I doubt it really matters. People buy what they want to buy, even if it places them in mortal danger.

Gabe purchased his 3D0 for a total of four hundred dollars, and this was money he earned dodging golf balls at a driving range, so the true cost to him psychologically must have been profound - and he still managed to, for good or ill, make that shit happen. We played our Wing Commander and felt like we were on the cusp.

We were cusping.

I think the Xbox 360 is at least as cool as the 3D0 was. I also think that four hundred dollars is too Goddamn much - in any event, it's widely considered too much by those who will buy it anyway - but the three hundred dollar model isn't worth it at all. If you're ever planning to get

a wireless controller,
a remote control,
a hard drive,
hook the machine up High-Def,
or play on Live
and you try to piece that stuff into (what they call) the Core System, the numbers don't work. I mean, look at those prices. At the very least, you're going to need their forty dollar memory card. The lower cost "sku" isn't for the "Wal-Mart" consumer, it's for fucking retards.

I'm not trying to push you into the high cost option, I'm confident that the average Penny Arcade reader has been making sound, informed console buying decisions for as many as twenty years. I'm trying to say that their low cost option doesn't actually exist.

The "hard drive: optional" scenario is unfortunate, because I believed them last generation when they said local storage was critical for a modern, Internet capable system. I also watched as even the Playstation 2, the undisputed victor of the last generation, still wasn't able to make a fixed disk work as a peripheral developers would utilize. If they want to distinguish options for the system, there are many other peripherals to do it with outside of base functionality. Of course, they would say - as they have been telling developers for a year - that the machine minus the hard drive is the base system. I'm not saying that is out and out sophistry, I think it was a pragmatic decision - the original Xbox was an expensive experiment for Microsoft. The scenario is just suboptimal.

Honestly, when this x850 I have is no longer sufficient to play the Games Of The Future (I give it a year), I had hoped to retreat into consoles altogether, a land of relative sanity. I don't think this is a step in that direction. Davy Perry said some things in this Next-Gen article on 360 pricing that made my blood run cold, saying the PC is the model consoles need to be shooting for, upgradable texture memory and physics units and God knows what else. Jesus Christ, you guys. You're going to drive me back into tabletop full time.
Since PS come out. I feel we gamer like into a circle. More and more machine need to buy. More and more accessories need to add. And more and more money need to spend. But less and less fun we get. I really think about quit playing game. But like smoking, just can't give out. Is this our faith?
Personaly, I don't know if I want a console to be moddable like a pc. I want to buy it, and forget it; pop in a game, and play.

I don't want to upgrade every 12-18 months, worry about what card will support what game, what resolution, and 1080i 1080p 1080 1900 X1200 X shove it up your get the idea.

I'll buy a new console for 400 dollars every 4 to 5 years. Shit, that breaks down to 100 bucks a year. Cheap IMO.
jack1201 said:
Since PS come out. I feel we gamer like into a circle. More and more machine need to buy. More and more accessories need to add. And more and more money need to spend. But less and less fun we get. I really think about quit playing game. But like smoking, just can't give out. Is this our faith?

You're right. Things get more expensive, more complicated, and less and less fun. :(

I'm going back to juggling, and continuing to throw knives. Both cost me under $40 together, and provide just as much enjoyment for as long as I want to do it.
Yea that is the evolution of video game development, it's like a rolling snowball constantly getting bigger... the thing is that why we have all of these periperhals and crap is to lure "Joe Gamer" with shiny new objects because "Joe" is more marketable than Mr. Modder and Hardcore Gamer Bob.

i worry about the next gen after this next gen... how can we best the ones i see now... WITH MORE PERIPERHALS! virtual reality center additional. super surround sound ultimate dvd addition! sweet...

it just makes me sick that people who slave making a game get b!tched around by the publisher and that the right marketing is how only a truly good game survives...

P.S. I'll wait for the PS3.
They should have just killed the $299 box sans hdd and released only the $399 version. This way, everyone would have a hdd, games would use it, and the only complaints would be that it costs too much, which happens every launch anyway. Xbox just lost one of the big technical advantages it had over PS2.
They should just ditch the headphone, remote and wireless controller if they have to and just release one system with a hd for $360 or just the $399. All this crap is confusing and now we are not even sure the wireless controllers in the premium bundle will come with the plug they talked about awhile back that will allow you to slowy charge the system. It seems you will have to buy it aswell as rechargeable batteries. This is a mess and to think just up until two days ago I was 100% sure I was getting a 360, now I am not sure and I just may wait and see.
Yeah, I am going to wait until I can go look at both editions sitting on the self at the local china-mart, and then make the decision.