Microsoft Announces Halo 4, Coming This November

Regarding the whole Halo vs CoD thing, at least Halo matches put all players on an even play field. You can't grind your way to better perks or better weapons. Whatever experience you get in halo just rises your rank and lets you make cosmetic changes to your armor.

And with coop, who's never enjoyed sticky grenading your buddy in the back of his head or shotgunning him in the back of the head to steal his weapons and ammo? :D
I was wondering how long it would take for someone to take my post too seriously. I have played all the Halos and had/have fun with them. They are not the most epic games ever created, but honestly neither are the ones you listed...they are just the games from the past that you prefer. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and they all stink.

I am getting old and bitter, but I understand that each gamer enjoys there own things. So if you don't like a game, don't buy it. Just don't be an asshole to people who do enjoy those games. I mean with 42 million total copies sold for the Halo series, they must have done something right.

So you're saying that Doom, a game that started the FPS genre isn't above Halo? Quake which started massive games like Team Fortress and a huge number of mods. Then finally Half Life, which started a number of mods like Counter Strike.

Don't like my opinion then tuff. What I say is true, and without those games there would be no COD or Halo. Halo was a good game, but nothing more. All future FPS games now have regenerative health and the player can only have 2-3 weapons to carry.

This is the result Halo has had on modern FPS games. What you play nowadays might as well be Tonka toys.
Say what you will (as many of you had.) My dad hates computer games, my wife hates computer games, and my sister tolerates them.

I've NEVER seen them enjoy a game like we enjoyed Halo 3. My dad, my wife, and I would actually all play halo 3 together on my brother's 360 in Wyoming against or with my sister and her husband in Washington. I would have never thought they would actually play and enjoy a game like that, but Halo 3 accomplished what no other game I've ever tried could. Say what you want about it, but that makes it one helluva fantastic game for me. A game I actually got to play and enjoy with my wife and dad. I almost purchased a 360 for myself, just so I could get that game and play it together with my family, as my wife and I live in Wyoming.

And I beat both Halo 1 and 2 ports on my PC. Thought they were fine, and good fun, and I much preferred playing them with the mouse vs. a controller. If they ported 3, I would buy it. If they port 4, I will buy it.
As a shooter and sci-fi fan, I have found the Halo universe deeply uninspiring. The game play mediocre at best.
Say what you will (as many of you had.) My dad hates computer games, my wife hates computer games, and my sister tolerates them.

I've NEVER seen them enjoy a game like we enjoyed Halo 3. My dad, my wife, and I would actually all play halo 3 together on my brother's 360 in Wyoming against or with my sister and her husband in Washington. I would have never thought they would actually play and enjoy a game like that, but Halo 3 accomplished what no other game I've ever tried could. Say what you want about it, but that makes it one helluva fantastic game for me. A game I actually got to play and enjoy with my wife and dad. I almost purchased a 360 for myself, just so I could get that game and play it together with my family, as my wife and I live in Wyoming.

And I beat both Halo 1 and 2 ports on my PC. Thought they were fine, and good fun, and I much preferred playing them with the mouse vs. a controller. If they ported 3, I would buy it. If they port 4, I will buy it.

Considering that the 360 is supposedly being replaced next year, I'm hoping for a PC version of the game. PC games are just...better.
So you're saying that Doom, a game that started the FPS genre isn't above Halo? Quake which started massive games like Team Fortress and a huge number of mods. Then finally Half Life, which started a number of mods like Counter Strike.

Don't like my opinion then tuff. What I say is true, and without those games there would be no COD or Halo. Halo was a good game, but nothing more. All future FPS games now have regenerative health and the player can only have 2-3 weapons to carry.

This is the result Halo has had on modern FPS games. What you play nowadays might as well be Tonka toys.

I wonder why you care so much what other people play? And I love the fact you bring up Counter Strike, putting it upon your gaming godly pedistal, but have seemed to have forgotten that it only allowed 2-3 weapon carry. All I am trying to say is 'To each his own'.

And you know what, you wouldn't be playing games at all if it wasn't for Pong! :p
Those who defend Halo have blinded themselves to the decline in quality of games it and it's ilk started. Console exclusives,horrid console ports,endless repetitive sequels and clones,all designed to run on antiquated hardware. All fueled not by imagination or innovation,but by overblown advertising and "review" sites that are in the game publisher's pockets.
Those who defend Halo have blinded themselves to the decline in quality of games it and it's ilk started. Console exclusives,horrid console ports,endless repetitive sequels and clones,all designed to run on antiquated hardware. All fueled not by imagination or innovation,but by overblown advertising and "review" sites that are in the game publisher's pockets.
Actually the Halo series has a very good story line, unlike most games of today.
Sure the graphics are really low compared to other games but good graphics does not make a good game ;).