Micro Res leaking??!!


Limp Gawd
Nov 15, 2006
I keep running into this problem. I'm leak testing my new system, 1/2 OD 3/8 ID Tygon tubgin, worm drive clamps, and a Swiftech Micro Res (only including this portion of the build as this is the section where the problems lies). There is consistantly a leak developing at the point where the barbs screw into the micro res. And yes, I have the O-rings in there.

But here's the kicker... it's been replaced! This is the SECOND Micro Res I've gotten, and it has the same issue!

Is there a different barb I should be using, or a different Res (space is an issue, I could use a drive bay res, that's not a problem), or is there some other fix that I could use as a workaround? This is the only thing keeping me from completing my system! :mad:
Are you using a plastic barb? Try wrapping teflon tape around it. Two wrap-arounds should do it. Any hardware store will have this.

If you're using a metal barb, don't ;)

Also, is there any pressure on the barb fitting? Is the water-line taught (really tight?) preventing any flexibility? If there's a lot of pressure on the barb, it will deform and develop a slow leak.
use plumbers tape (PTFE) around the barb threads, or dab a small amount of silicone sealant around the threads (this will be permanent)
Seems like it was pressure due to the angle I have the res at while I was leak testing. It actually slowly unscrewed the barbs.

Now that that's taken care of, time for yet another leak test.

Yeesh... I just want this thing working so I can use this computer again. :rolleyes:
Seems like it was pressure due to the angle I have the res at while I was leak testing. It actually slowly unscrewed the barbs.

Now that that's taken care of, time for yet another leak test.

Yeesh... I just want this thing working so I can use this computer again. :rolleyes:

Sounds like you applied tubing to the barbs before screwing in the barbs into the res. This happens often to first time users. When you put the tubing on the barbs first and then screw it in, the rotational forces will slowly unscrew the barb. Best to screw barb in first, then attach tubing.
Actually, I did screw in the barbs first. I just had everything aligned how it would be once I installed the system completely. However, to fill the res, bleed it, and make sure there weren't any leaks I didn't have it in it's final position during the leak test. It was more hanging out to the side, thus causing rotation force on the tubing and eventually the barbs.

That's what I get for trying to do it right. :rolleyes: